tanks obj 277

tanks obj 277

1.Obj 277. Developed in 1956–1958 at the Kirov Plant, Leningrad, under the supervision of Joseph Kotin. The engine and transmission were mounted as a single unit, with an 8-speed planetary transmission and ‘ZK’- type steering mechanism taken from the T-10. All in all, the Obiekt-277 was a remarkably strongly armoured tank, but that armour came at a cost relative to prescribed limits on overall heavy tank combat weight. It used two-stage air cleaners, stage one being a ‘cyclone’ and stage two being a cassette-type oil bath cleaner. Any tips on how to play the Obj. A hull and a turret were produced for testing for shell resistance. Developed in 1956–1958 at the Kirov Plant, Leningrad, under the supervision of Joseph Kotin.

The Object 277 is a Soviet tier 10 heavy tank. The "PS" Family logo is a registered trademark and "PS4" is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. "Xbox" and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies and are used under license from Microsoft. The bonus code has been successfully redeemed on your account. The main feature shared in common was an advanced version of the 130mm gun developed for the ill-fated IS-7 heavy tank, mated to optical rangefinders for greater long-range accuracy. The new turret included an ammunition assist system for the loader, and was fitted with infra-red night fighting equipment as well. The glacis armour of the Obiekt 277 provided protection against 122mm rounds and 90mm cumulative rounds, although testing was not completed before the project was cancelled. To find out more about the cookies we use and how we manage cookies click © 2020 Wargaming.net

Obj 277 blends in with its natural green color among the grass. Both tanks would share a very similar enlarged turret design. Developed from 1956 through 1958 at the Kirov Plant, Leningrad, under the supervision of Joseph Kotin. 277? The final drives were provided with hydraulically assisted disc brakes. Around 1955, a dual programme was begun to examine alternative heavy tanks for the future - the Obiekt 277 and Obiekt 279. Developed in 1956–1958 at the Kirov Plant, Leningrad, under the supervision of Joseph Kotin. An MTO automatic fire suppression system was installed, as was a TDA-type fuel injection smoke laying system. I absolutely love the object 277, and so do most tankers, as this is the heavy tank to bring to any battlefield. The development was discontinued in the summer of 1960 due to insufficient development of certain systems and components. A pre-heater was provided for cold temperature starting. ... World of Tanks is a PvP MMO game created by international game developer Wargaming.

In addition, the vehicle did not demonstrate any advantage over the Object 770 heavy tank. "Wargaming.net" and "World of Tanks", and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Wargaming in the USA and other countries. The development was discontinued in the summer of 1960 due to insufficient development of certain systems and components. Two prototypes were produced and underwent trials from 1959 through 1960. By clicking any link on this page and continuing to use this site you are giving your consent for us to use cookies. The client values, given for 100% crew, will normally be taken into battle with 110% crew skill members aside from specific functions, causing their actual performance to deviate from the expected client value. All rights reserved. However, the hull of both tanks was significantly different. Hey y’all, looking for tips on how to play the 277, loved the T-10 and did very well in it, and I just got the 277 but it feels way worse then the T-10. These differences are taken into account in tooltip boxes.Unable to match configuration for query: engine:r155_object_277::top|powerUnable to match configuration for query: chassis:r155_object_277::top|traversespeedUnable to match configuration for query: turret:r155_object_277::top|armorturretfront/Unable to match configuration for query: turret:r155_object_277::top|armorturretside/Unable to match configuration for query: turret:r155_object_277::top|armorturretbackUnable to match configuration for query: gun:r155_object_277::top|damage1/Unable to match configuration for query: gun:r155_object_277::top|damage2/Unable to match configuration for query: gun:r155_object_277::top|damage3Unable to match configuration for query: gun:r155_object_277::top|penetration1/Unable to match configuration for query: gun:r155_object_277::top|penetration2/Unable to match configuration for query: gun:r155_object_277::top|penetration3Unable to match configuration for query: turret:r155_object_277::stock|turrettraverseUnable to match configuration for query: turret:r155_object_277::top|turrettraverse-Unable to match configuration for query: gun:r155_object_277::top|depressionUnable to match configuration for query: gun:r155_object_277::stock|maxammoUnable to match configuration for query: gun:r155_object_277::top|maxammo In addition, the vehicle did not demonstrate any advantage over the Object 770 heavy tank.The Object 277 marks the end of its Soviet heavy line.This vehicle comes elite in its stock configuration. Object 277 video review covering the main vehicle characteristics and its combat behavior.

It had a maximum glacis armour basis of 140mm, set at 60-70° from vertical, with the lower glacis with the lower glacis correspondingly 153mm at 50–55° from vertical. Additional in-game content available and sold separately. Outside of a crew of 1 commander only, 100% crew is a fiction.

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tanks obj 277 2020