panzer panther 2

panzer panther 2

The commander, loader and gunner were in the turret, While the driver and radio operator were in the hull of the vehicle. The best tank in existence for its weight".A status report on 15 December 1944 listed an all-time high of 471 Panthers assigned to the Western Front, with 336 operational (71 percent).

Zaloga argues that this was down to the fact that at this point in the war, the quality of German tank crews had fallen and most Panther crews were inexperienced with minimal training. Hitler demanded that an increase to 100 mm (3.9 in) should be attempted and that at least all vertical surfaces were to be 100 mm (3.9 in); the turret front plate was increased from 80 mm (3.1 in) to 100 mm (3.9 in).The Panther was rushed into combat before all of its teething problems had been corrected. Hitler had already insisted on an increase in its armour once, early in its design process in 1942. 127–129 Wa Pruef 1 penetration range tests 5 Oct 1944, and British Dept. At about 40 - 45 tons, it is as heavy as some of the Allied heavy tanks of the war despite that it is classified as a medium tank. On 10 February 1943, Dr. Wiebecke (chief design engineer for M.A.N.) In theory, the Panther was arguably one of the best medium tanks of World War II due to its excellent combination of mobility, firepower, and armor protection. They were dug down, with automotive components removed, as pillboxes along the Bulgarian-Turkish border as early as the late 1940s. Panzer V Ausf.A. The original MAN proposal had called for the Panther to have an The armour for the side hull and superstructure (the side sponsons) was much thinner (40–50 mm (1.6–2.0 in)). MHIBrig. 120 mm[1] starke Frontpanzerung und eine 60-mm-Seitenpanzerung erhöht werden; auch war eine Überar… Going out on your own will often result in finding yourself a smoldering wreck. It had a The two designs were reviewed from January to March 1942. Approximately 40 Panthers had already been repaired and were on the way to the front. Thus while a Panther was superior to a Sherman in the hands of an experienced crew, inadequate training, coupled with Sherman numerical superiority, resulted in a poor combat performance for the vehicle during the offensive.From 1943, Panther turrets were mounted in fixed fortifications; some were normal production models, but most were made specifically for the task, with additional roof armour to withstand artillery fire.
The Panther's main gun was a high velocity 75 mm Kwk L/70 cannon capable of piercing nearly all tank armor at the time at long ranges. The Sherman because of its maneuverability and height was good ... [the Panther was] poorly suited for hedgerow terrain because of its width. The first production model of the Panther series was the Panther Ausf. The Panther is a heavy vehicle unit used by the Axis featured in Company of Heroes and Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts. Collier. Hitler had already insisted on an increase in its armor once, early in its design process in 1942. The vehicle and engine are still in great condition and operational.Regarding the experiences in opposing the Allied landing in Normandy: The Panzer IV, Panzer V Panther, and Panzer VI Tiger have proven to be successful. The Panzer V Panther was medium tank used by Germany during World War II..

The large number of losses by hits (81 Panthers up to 10 July) attests to the heavy fighting.During Zitadelle the Panthers claimed 267 destroyed tanks.A later report on 20 July 1943 showed 41 Panthers as operational, 85 as repairable, 16 severely damaged and needing repair in Germany, 56 burnt out because of enemy action, and two destroyed by motor fires.Before the Germans ended their offensive at Kursk, the Soviets began their counteroffensive, and succeeded in pushing the Germans back into a steady retreat. Erste Pläne für dieses Fahrzeug wurden 1943 erstellt. Com os atrasos no desenvolvimento do Panzer III e do Panzer IV, foi projetado como solução intermediária. In this game, you can build your base and build your own empire, as well as work in team with other real players strategically in the game. Standard doctrine for purpose-built anti-tank guns of the period universally relied on small, dense solid projectiles propelled to high velocities, optimized for punching through armor. 47, 82. photos of modified Panthers pp. Both British and American battle experience has demonstrated that the antitank gun in suitable numbers is the master of the tank. To log in, select the region where your account is registeredSpecifically, the mismatch in crew values caused by commander's 10% crew skill bonus. Beschusstafel" created against the KV-85. A Panther I Ausf G turret was mounted by the US army. In the Ausf D and A models, 18 rounds were stored next to the turret on each side, for a total of 36 rounds.

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panzer panther 2 2020