wows clan battles season 9

wows clan battles season 9

Aside from setting the post up, I take no credit for this poll. Aside from setting the post up, I take no credit for this poll. [EGO] 1-5 scale, 1 = Warcraft 3 Reforged, 5 = Minecraft5.

It's not that hard to survive and be effective against a CV in your DD, but 4-6 Venezias on a team mean you are just unable to effectively play DD's.This is really interesting, thanks for putting it together and sharing.Ooo nice work.
since WG didn't publish data about the last clanbattle seasons, a clanmate (exar0815) and I decided to do it on our own. This is almost unrecognizable from the EU post.

It's pretty balanced in other areas.

Six cruisers and a carrier was the whole damned game once you got out of Storm.

Unfortunately it also counts their lower league battles but there is no way to filter this battles out:Now things look a "bit" different.

Clan battles season 9 - ship distribution. If only I could stop playing... At this point my brain is too far gone and my daily schedule consists of praying to RNGesus to avoid Venezia/Stalin spam. The player with the most base XP in a team doesn't lose a star upon a defeat. ALL I KNOW IS MY GUT SAYS MAYBE [WDS] The original EU post is here and aside from trivialities I have no disagreement with it. It needs to be nerfed, it is absolutely absurd.If Venezia didn't exist this season, DD's would be much more viable (although there are other DD issues). The number of games is the total number of games of all ships divided by 14 (because there are 14 players in each actual game). BBs were so rare, you'd be twice as likely to see a Halland than any of the T10 BBs.Out of all three CVs available, Hakuryu was chosen 92% of the time.WEEGEEE in WOT are nerfing the high tier spaghetti tanks.Wouldn't surprise me to see WOW nerfing the high tier spaghetti Ships...Venezia is the main problem when it comes to the DD population. Have it kiting on the weak flank, being effective merely by surviving. Clan battles season 9 - ship distribution. You got my thanx vote above but have another +1 anyway...because... bacon 3. How would you rate the experience from a gameplay / metagame perspective4.

As expected, Venezia and Stalingrad have the highest percentage of games, carriers were also used pretty often while destroyers and especially battleships became irrelevant.Aircraft carriers are just slightly below their maximum value of 14,3% (1 carrier per team) which means that almost all teams used them in their battles.In average, there were about 2 Venezias and Stalingrads per team, the other 2 ship spots filled by the rest of the available ships.For both destroyers and aircraft carriers the diversity within the class is almost nonexistent, and cruisers are not much better.The following image shows their relative distribution within the classes:I hope this diagram is useful when discussing about this season and it's flaws :)I will publish similar diagrams for season 8 later but we have to finish analyzing the data first.Edit 2: Some data to compare with the previous seasons:Edit: I added 2 more diagrams showing relative distribution.Can't help but suspect that a good chunck of the "variety" is indeed down to clans not quite as much min-maxing in lower leagues. All classes should be included We tended to see Haku + 4-6 Venezias + max 2 Stalingrads in the last few weeks almost exclusively.I think most clans in squall and gale league don't care about their setups, there are also lots of non-competitive clans who don't care about competitive and just want to play together (and that's fine, there is no rule that says they are not allowed to, that's why there are multiple leagues).About 75% of all games were played from storm clans and below so it doesn't really surprise me. Clan Battles Season 9 Poll, NA Version. I HAVE NO STRONG FEELINGS ONE WAY OR THE OTHER Sorry, hit enter and submitted too soon. or 10,000  from hak torps..   also  NO COUNTERPLAY. Followers 0.
SAP  has no counterplay.....    30,000  damage from AP bombs.

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Also doesn't surprise me that the main DD to see any action is the Halland.The worst thing out of all of this though is that I wouldn't be surprised if WG goes ahead and yueyangs the Venezia (balansgrad cannot be touched comrade).One can hope they look at Venezia use in previous CB season and in randoms. The only disagreement I have with it is the no Bacon option .

Which class should be reworked/balanced/excluded from the clan battles format?Probably stuck in the infinite improbabilities of an infinite improbability driveProbably stuck in the infinite improbabilities of an infinite improbability drive Gunboats.

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wows clan battles season 9 2020