He directs the train to a bunker in the Urals. Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Partial Nudity, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Use of Drugs In Japan, approximately 17,513 physical units for PS4 were sold during its launch week becoming the number 7 … Artyom sets out to look for his wife, who falls into serious trouble. Unfortunately, Artyom has taken on a lot of radiation and his survival will depend on blood transfusions from the crew of the Welcome to the new GameRevolution community platformAffiliate Disclosure: Evolve Media LLC, and its owned and operated websites may receive a small commission from the proceeds of any product(s) sold through affiliate and direct partner links.monitoring_string = "9825918b2b361fb0e003f4935ce18ae6" It is impossible to turn this wheel. Geht dafür zunächst rechts am Wasser vorbei und in den dortigen Gang zu eurer Rechten. Turn right from there and you’ll see another wheel. That little slip into the bunker back in The Volga has apparently made Anna ill. A worrying cough has been plaguing her ever since that moment and things come to a head when she coughs up blood following your adventures in The Taiga.
The next chapter of the Metro Exodus Saltation describes the discovery and rescue of Anne from oppression. Players will be treated to a short scene after falling through the ground, and they can then complete the next set of objectives as normal to find Anna's exact location.Besides this one mission, the rest of the objectives in Dalton Cooper is an editor for Game Rant who has been writing about video games professionally since 2011. From here, travel right towards the wall that says BbIX0A with an arrow pointing left.
You dont care! Da Anna noch eine kurze Verschnaufpause benötigt, lasst ihr sie hier mit Damir und Sam zurück und macht euch allein auf den Rückweg zur Aurora. Early on in Metro Exodus, Artyom's wife Anna goes missing, and the game's objective marker makes it somewhat difficult to find her and continue the story.While most of the objectives players come across in the recently released After Anna goes missing, Artyom is given the objective to Find Anna. Take the doorway on the left now and it will lead you to a locked door.
Mar 1, 2019 @ 1:46am You mean a damsel in distress that you have save her 3 times even she look tougher than she look? From there you’ll be able to drop down to Anna’s location. Nachdem ihr sie notdürftig versorgt habt, beginnt ihr damit, einen Ausweg zu suchen. Versucht das Gebäude nach Möglichkeit ohne größere Schießerei zu verlassen - notfalls, indem ihr weglauft; die Mutanten lassen in der Regel nach einer kurzen Verfolgung von euch ab. That previously locked door is now open. Lasst euch dort aus zwei Grünen vorsichtig durch eines der Löcher nach unten plumpsen: Zum einen erspart ihr euch so vermeidbaren Fallschaden, zum anderen macht ihr durch laute Geräusche nicht die hier inzwischen patrouillierenden Mutanten auf euch aufmerksam. There’s no real time pressure here, either, so take your time to carefully search the bunker for useful supplies.As strong of a fighter as Anna may be, there is one enemy that is difficult for even the hardiest of Spartans to fight: illness. Find the Wheel to Open the Door. Following the fun at The Volga, Colonel Miller believes he has finally found the remnants of the pre-war government. It follows the adventures of Artyom, who returns to reprise his role as the protagonist of the game.
A one-stop shop for all things video games. After the animations, go through the door and walk in front of you.
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