Rather, they should just nerf the tanking capability as a whole. Ludendorff will be coal ship wargaming confirmed
coal, that what they tell in stream, but i guess it not come anytime soon Something like that yes. Am holding all my resources for Paolo Emilio, looks like a helluva fun upcoming ship. Although not
Main battery - 4x3 380 mm. How "powerful" a name is is up to whoever perceives it. Now im focused to earn some more Coal as I sit on ~145k to get to 175k for that Legendary Russian Commander Kuznetsov(?) [CMFRT] The port view in the vid didn't make it clear whether or not Ludendorff has hydro. So yes it had a shelf life ;-) WG would never waste the resources used to model and spec a ship without a return on its investment.
I feel like the reasons for the renaming was more to do with what the man stood for.
so it is another period accurate name which might have been used for a ship. steel coal research etc And Kurf is widely renown as the most accurate BB on T10, oh wait... This ship currently looks a fair bit stronger than Alsace. Happy that I hung onto my 2.5M FXP and 350k coal. That way it would be closer to Kurfurst but with less accuracy. But this ship would be much better if they make it uptier on TX and replace those Bismarck guns with Grose guns. WG would never waste the resources used to model and spec a ship without a return on its investment. Im waiting for Champagne, Ludendorff (new name Pommern) or anything new. I was hyped about this ship until a lighter in my head pop out and I realized that her guns are Bismarck / Tirpitz guns. Is this part of the publicly-announced information on this ship? There is no split (announced as of yet). But this ship would be much better if they make it uptier on TX and replace those Bismarck guns with Grose guns. I almost sank one last week in Random, so she should be well advanced in testing Im waiting for Champagne, Ludendorff (new name Pommern) or anything new. [SAINT]
It was a total ricochet machine. That way it would be closer to Kurfurst but with less accuracy. Would love another brawler with torpedoes tbh though. maybe for dobloons? Expect Imagine a Clan Battle season where the CAs stay in groups of 2 or 3 while a Slava in the back picks them off one by one. Take Yoshino and you likely get people ranging from having no association whatsoever, to people giggling because they think of Yoshi from Super Mario, people who associate it with anime characters like Yoshino from Date a Live to people who consider it a name on par with Yamato, due to the cultural significance of Yoshino and its cherry trees as a symbol of Japanese culture and spirit (or Yamato damashii). None of the H class designs proposals ever had this design. I must have watched the video several times. As it is a german ship there will be alot of nerfing-iterations until it is ready to publish. [CMFRT] Any showcased features may or may not end up on the main server. I consider the FDR a likely coal ship for the same reasons. However, it seems from the Dev Blog that the next event after Dockyard is German Carriers, and that would be an appropriate national context into which to release her. Triple 38 cm would likely have been more feasable than actually building the Kurfürst and operating it. Definitely one to keep my eye on, then. My money's on coal, since Agir is for FXP and Siegfried fills the research-bureau spot. Just wondered if they have mentioned what this t9 upcoming german BB will be bought with ? Whether we like it or not, it was always inevitable that Expect They said Coal IIRC but you never know 100% till its final
Even same model of guns with just addition of 1 on each turret. Slava shell velocity is absolutely broken. No interest whatsoever in the German CV line but as always I'm happy for those carrier captains that may enjoy them. I consider the FDR a likely coal ship for the same reasons. Based on current (Georgia) and previous (Jean Bart) experience at Tier 9, we're probably looking in the neighbourhood of 230,000 before discounts. This makes no sense, same hull as FdG but with more guns and torps? Und in allen anderen Situationen ist sie schlicht schwach. Firing range - 21.3 km. Although it did die during the round, not before laying waste. They had a good start by dropping it to 25mm armor, but we have to remember it probably won't be fired at much due to range. The final information will be published on our games website. The port view in the vid didn't make it clear whether or not Ludendorff has hydro. Even other paper designs like the British or French seem less silly. Maximum AP shell damage - 11600. Hell, even 0.9.7, since the previous event's stuff always hangs around until the end of the next patch. That being said, I too hope Ludendorff will come out reasonably soon, I have yet to add anything that is both German and good to my port and am still a bit salty over the Aegir fiasco. I'm calling 0.9.7-0.9.8, given that the CC's seem to have just got them in their hands for testing. A less accurate Kurfürst is like the least of things we need, even if it gets torps. WG would never waste the resources used to model and spec a ship without a return on its investment. Now im focused to earn some more Coal as I sit on ~145k to get to 175k for that Legendary Russian Commander Kuznetsov(?) [MIBR]