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His name really suits him. Modeste, Modeste Anthony Modeste Wer ist im Dark-Room Special Guest? Anthony Modeste

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Anthony Modeste Köln - Ebbe Sand war gestern. Now the Cologne star has his own rap song and music video.Taking a break from bullying Bundesliga backlines, Modeste can be seen delivering a different set of moves with teenage French rapper MKN in the video for "Anthony Modeste", which was shot in part on the pitch of RheinEnergie Stadium.The obvious pun on Modeste’s name – ‘Reste (stay) Modeste comme Anthony’ - plays a central role in MKN’s lyrics.“In fact, his wife is also my cousin,” MKN told French football magazine “Since I was small, I’ve been going to Anthony’s house, whether it was at Bordeaux, Bastia, Hoffenheim and then in Cologne.“I’ve followed his career and his private life.
Modeste, Modeste Anthony Modeste He is also only three strikes behind “I know he has worked for everything he has," MKN said of Modeste.“He’s someone who remains modest despite everything.

"Get your front row seat to the Bundesliga experience by signing up for our official newsletter:Cologne's Anthony Modeste (centre) has broken the 20-goal barrier this season for the first time in his Bundesliga career.Cologne's Anthony Modeste (centre) has broken the 20-goal barrier this season for the first time in his Bundesliga career.

Modeste, Modeste

VFL Eschhofen & Kreisligalegende wurde in 2 Sprachen übersetztDer VfL Eschhofen, Ikke Hüftgold und die Kreisligalegende feiern Anthony Modeste

Modeste Song Songtext von Ikke Hüftgold mit Lyrics, deutscher Übersetzung, Musik-Videos und Liedtexten kostenlos auf VFL Eschhofen & Kreisligalegende.

Wer scheißt auf Stiftung Warentest? Modeste, Modeste Anthony Modeste schießt nicht nur Tore am Fließband für den 1.

Anthony Modeste Anthony Modeste Anthony Modeste Modeste, Modeste

mit Liebe & Leidenschaft in Italien gemacht. Modeste, ModesteAnthony Modeste

Since I was 12 or 13, I said to him ‘your life deserves a song.' Modeste, Modeste

Und lässt dem Kölsch-Glas keinen Rest? Modeste, Modeste Wer macht Europa krisenfest? Otherwise, it will at least have pleased Anthony. He’s an example who’s ready to help others.”The video features scenes of Modeste playing with his two children and giving his wife Maeva a cuddle, intercut with clips of MKN delivering lyrics surrounded by a trio of large and presumably pricey automobiles.At the end, when it’s time for Modeste to leave the scene, he bypasses the more luxurious rides and opts instead for a much smaller Volkswagen.Modeste has told the rapper that he is proud of the song and video, but does MKN believe it can help lift his friend and collaborator to greater heights by season’s end?“I think it can give him a little boost," MKN said.

Wer beißt sich an der Theke fest? FC Köln, sondern wird neuerdings auch in kreativer Manier besungen. Modeste, Modeste

Anthony Modeste Und wer verklebt das Playboyheft? Modeste, Modeste Anthony Modeste

That's the main thing. Anthony Modeste Watch: MKN's video featuring Cologne striker Anthony Modeste.

Songtext für Modeste Song von Ikke Hüftgold feat. Anthony Modeste

Modeste, Modeste Modeste, Modeste Modeste, Modeste Anthony Modeste Anthony Modeste Anthony Modeste "If the song works, so much the better. Wir haben alle Zeilen aufgeschrieben für euch und ergänzen die Liste fortlaufend.

Anthony Modeste Modeste, Modeste Anthony Modeste Modeste Song Lyrics: Der VFL Eschhofen, Ikke Hüftgold und die Kreisligalegende feiern … / Modeste, Modeste, Anthony Modeste / Modeste, Modeste, Anthony Modeste / Modeste, Modeste, Anthony Modeste Anthony Modeste

Modeste, Modeste

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Modeste, Modeste

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So I promised him then that I would make one, later, when I  got into music.”MKN, an artist from Marseille, describes Modeste like his “big brother” and it is clear from the lyrics that he is full of admiration for the 28-year-old.MKN says that he wanted his song to convey that Modeste did not always have things easy and has risen to prominence through perseverance and sheer effort.It is those qualities that have seen Modeste - with 23 goals this season - drive Cologne to seventh in the table.

He’s not someone who gets worked up over things, contrary to everything you hear about other footballers. Modeste, Modeste Anthony Modeste Anthony Modeste Anthony Modeste Anthony Modeste Anthony Modeste Modeste, Modeste Modeste, Modeste Modeste, Modeste Anthony Modeste Wer beißt sich an der Theke fest Anthony Modeste Und lässt dem Kölschglas keinen Rest Anthony Modeste Wer macht Europa Kriesenfest Anthony Modeste Wer gewinnt den Songcontest Anthony Modeste Wer ist im Darkroom special guest Anthony Modeste Wer scheißt auf Stiftung Warentest Anthony Modeste Modeste, Modeste, Anthony Modeste Anthony Modeste

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Modeste, Modeste Anthony Modeste

Wer gewinnt den Song-Contest? The obvious pun on Modeste’s name – ‘Reste (stay) Modeste comme Anthony’ - plays a central role in MKN’s lyrics.

Modeste, Modeste Modeste, Modeste Anthony Modeste

Anthony Modeste Anthony Modeste Wer kommt zum Training overdressed? Anthony Modeste’s goalscoring prowess has inspired many things this season from his club’s unlikely bid for Europe to calls for Didier Deschamps to include the target man in the French national team.

Erfreut sich weltweiter BeliebtheitDer Songtext zu Modeste Song von Ikke Hüftgold feat. Far from it.“He’s someone like everybody, who watches TV on his sofa and has barbecues on a Saturday.

Anthony Modeste

Modeste, Modeste Anthony Modeste

Wenn ein Song 2017 rockt, dann ist es der Anthony-Modeste-Fangesang. Modeste, Modeste Anthony Modeste Modeste, Modeste Anthony Modeste

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