Fancy watching 'The Forbidden Kingdom' on your TV or mobile device at home? While this assemblage of talent will have kung fu enthusiasts licking their lips in anticipation, the end result will likely be a disappointment to them.A faithful and disarmingly earnest attempt to honor some venerable and popular Chinese cinematic traditions.Great fun family entertainment for those keen to become a kung fu warrior.Visually the film is stunning. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. While most of the costuming, set design, make-up and choreography are first rate, Chan sports an obvious and awful wig and David Buckley's overblown score often drowns out the admittedly stilted dialogue.gud film heaps of action lol :) not to mention its funny in some bits heheSign up for FLICKS weekly updates - what's new & awesome in cinemas.Keep track of the movies you’re waiting for, rate/review movies and get the latest movie news.Keep track of the movies you’re waiting for, rate/review movies and get the latest movie news.To post ratings/reviews we need a username. Quicker than expected arrival from Amazon. With Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Michael Angarano, Juana Collignon. A discovery made by a kung fu obsessed American teen sends him on an adventure to China, where he joins up with a band of martial arts warriors in order to free the imprisoned Monkey King.
Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. The Forbidden Kingdom shows everything that’s wrong with Hollywood and Asian actors. There are mythical Chinese magic elements which are nostalgically pleasing, especially with today's advanced special effects helping to make them look incredible.A dance of combat and humor saves a contrivance from drowning.
The Forbidden Kingdom. Entertaining story lots of good humour and Action Li had previously stated that he was done with Kung Fu flicks, but the Weinstein brothers must have flashed their cheque books because he's back again. Its good to see Jackie Chan and Jet Li finaly do a movie together. Eines Tages erblickt der Jüngling dort einen goldenen Stab, dessen Geschichte ihn fasziniert. Durch einen Trick wurde ihm sein Stab entzogen und seither steht der Krieger in versteinerter Form in einer versteckten Stadt.Mirror 1 | 04.12.2017 - The.Forbidden.Kingdom.German.2008.AC3.BDRip.x264.iNTERNAL-VideoStarMirror 2 | 05.11.2016 - The.Forbidden.Kingdom.German.2008.AC3.BDRip.x264.iNTERNAL-VideoStarJason (Michael Angarano) ist verrückt nach alten Martial-Arts-Filmen und holt sich seine wöchentliche Ration an Videos und DVDs bei einem alten Chinesen. No. This is what will appear next to your ratings and reviews.FINE PRINT & DISCLAIMER: Flicks's official rating: Pretty good, but not perfect. With Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Michael Angarano, Juana Collignon. I see nothing wrong with adapting such a great work to modern sensitivities, as long as it stays faithful to the original in spirit.Jackie Chan AND Jet Li?
While most of the costuming, set design, make-up and choreography are first rate, Chan sports an obvious and awful wig and David Buckley's overblown score often drowns out the admittedly stilted dialogue.Two of the martial arts genre's most celebrated sons, Jet Li and Jackie Chan, appear together for the first time in The Forbidden Kingdom. Or, rather, Chan and Li elevate it enough to make it into a good time.The missing link between '00s wushu, '80s kids' fantasy and '70s chop-socky, this manages to be thoroughly entertaining - and the face-off between Chan and Li is worth the entrance price alone.The film's mixed success continues elsewhere.
The Forbidden Kingdom shows everything that’s wrong with Hollywood and Asian actors.
Or, rather, Chan and Li elevate it enough to make it into a good time.The missing link between '00s wushu, '80s kids' fantasy and '70s chop-socky, this manages to be thoroughly entertaining - and the face-off between Chan and Li is worth the entrance price alone.The film's mixed success continues elsewhere.
There are other reviews that cover the story line so I won't go into that amount of detail, just let me say this film romps along at a great pace, the action scenes are excellent, it shows a different side of Jet Li and it is one of the few films that I have watched again and again. , thanks. Jackie & Jet Li-Great. If you like Jackie Chan or Jet Li movies, you will love this one...GREAT introduction for westerners, GREAT adaptation for those who know the classic Hsi You Ji.
Problem is, Michael Angarano is not as likable, not as sympathetic and not as easy to identify with as Ralph Macchio. As ancient Chinese warriors, they must train and mentor a 21st century kung-fu fanatic who's been summoned to fight a centuries-old battle and free the imprisoned Monkey King. The forbidden Kingdom has something for everyone and the Blu Ray version is nicely presented both visually and sonically. Please try againQuickly browse titles in our catalog based on the ones you have picked.Hollywood loves Asian culture they just have to make sure a white guy stars in the movie The movie’s top billing is Jet Li and Jackie Chan, and yet a white kid Michael Angarano is the main character.
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