martin klebba

martin klebba

This graph shows Martin Klebba’s score on our annual analysis of leading stars at the box office. Notes and Trivia Martin is best known for his role as Marty in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise., He is married to Michelle Dilgard., Martin worked with Mark Povinelli and Danny Woodburn …

Martin Klebba, il est né l'23 ed join 1969 à Troy (Michigan - Étots-Unis).


Facts About Martin Klebba Where is the birthplace of Martin Klebba?

Martin Klebba was born on June 23, 1969 in Troy, Michigan, USA.

He is known for his work on

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To help Dwarfs with adoption and many other issues they face.


Martin Klebba (born June 23, 1969) is an American actor and stunt performer. Martin Klebba has been in a relationship with Meredith Eaton (2007).

Despite this, Martin Klebba had enjoyed numerous credits in feature films and television as both actor and stunt player. Martin Klebba was born on June 23, 1969 in Troy, Michigan, USA.

I have no idea what role he would be up for, if you were to ask me, I … They are lodged in between the two big well-known generations, the … Martin has recently started a non-profit charity called CoDA (Coalition for Dwarf Advocacy) in which he and his friend Matt Roloff raise money to help get dwarf children adopted. Martin Klebba, who is best known for his role as Marty in the Pirates of the Caribbean films, could have a role in Disney’s live-action adaptation of Snow White. Talk about couples goals! He portrayed one of the seven dwarfs in season 5 episode, "Happily Ever After", and a dwarf demon in season 6 episode, "Witch Wars".

He has been married to Michelle Dilgard since June 18, 2011.

Sadly, I couldn’t get a second confirmation, so as of now, this should be treated as no more than a rumor.

Martin Klebba was born on the 23rd of June, 1969 (Generation X).

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