Consult your veterinarian Because most patients do not know their baseline level, the diagnosis can be confirmed by observing a progressive increase in the ChE value until it plateaus over time. Patients exposed to high quantities of these chemicals can develop a variety of symptoms and may eventually die of respiratory arrest. Taken together, these findings suggest that the post-poisoning decline in AChE activity, and possibly many of the delayed pathologies, are due to increases in miRNA-132, further suggesting that post-exposure treatment with AM132 may avoid such detrimental consequences (Note: Most patients who require pralidoxime will have a 50% or greater decrease in red blood cell (true) cholinesterase activity.Exposure to organophosphates may produce a broad spectrum of clinical adverse effects that are indicative of massive overstimulation of the cholinergic system in the body. Organophosphate poisoning is common, often as a result of suicidal ingestion (acute high-level exposure) or occupational exposure to pesticides (chronic low-level exposure) 1.It is thought that worldwide, approximately 3 million people are exposed to toxic levels of organophosphates, including approximately 2 million hospitalizations for suicidal ingestion 1.