The impact will knock the book onto the floor, allowing you to pick it up. Außerdem gibt es einen Teleporter in die Schattenwelt, der es Link ermöglicht, den Eispalast zu betreten. The west lever causes bombs to rain down, so ignore that one. In order to reach the chest, you'll have to push both of the outer blocks north, then shove the middle one aside, either east or west.
Go inside to find a chest containing South of the large stones where the Octoroks roam, you should see a white stone bridge. This place is filled with tall grass and various bodies of water.
In A Link to the Past, Lake Hylia is located in southeast Hyrule and has a network of small caves coming off it. Up next is a fairly lengthy detour, but it'll be worth it. Instead, turn north and continue along the east wall until you reach a dead end. Make your way all the way back to the Sanctuary--dashing with the Pegasus Boots helps!. If you continue south, you'll reach Lake Hylia, but all that's available to you on this particular shore of the lake is an item shop and fortune teller. Instead, if you hug the south wall, you actually can walk across to the other ledges to take them out with your sword. But the only one you're interested in is the green book lying on top of a nearby shelf. Dash into the rock pile to destroy it and reveal a hidden entrance. Navigate your way past Sand Crabs and Buzz Blobs, and in the southeast corner of this place, you'll meet a strange new enemy known as an Octoballoon.
Talk to the elder, and he will congratulate you and give you one of the most valuable items in the game: the Time to put these new boots to good use. Talk to the thief, and he'll give you You'll now find yourself on the southern shore of Lake Hylia. If you try to read the stone monument here, it will be in a language you can't understand. Go inside to find a chest, but three blocks are in the way. Inside is a chest containing Follow a southwesterly course through the sand, fighting your way past Vultures and Geldmen, then curve around north past the rocky bluff, until you reach a stone courtyard in front of the Desert Palace. Go inside and then go north again to reach that room. Blow it open with a Bomb and go inside to find another Great Fairy to heal you. Der Hylia-See befindet sich im Südosten der Lichtwelt von Hyrule. From the Ice Cave, head south and then west, going around Lake Hylia, then into the Great Swamp. South of the large stones where the Octoroks roam, you should see a white stone bridge.
The lake itself is fed from Zora's River , which in turn flows from Death Mountain . Blue Bow Soldiers patrol here, and you also meet Green Bow Soldiers, who hide in the grass, then pop up to shoot at you before hiding again. Follow the road the way you came until you get to Link's house, then turn south into the Great Swamp. Exit, and you'll find that the water in this part of the overworld has drained--leaving you Leave the Swamp Ruins and head east, into the semiarid area with brown grass. Take them out and then enter the door in front of you.In the next room, you'll find a friendly thief along with four chests. You can use Arrows to take them out (it only takes one to defeat each), but their erratic movements make aiming difficult. But if you cut away its patch of grass while it's in midair, it will land helplessly on the ground. The latter are annoying sand creatures that pop out of the ground without warning and charge toward you--slash them with your sword as soon as you see them. The three stones will then shift around, allowing you passage into the Now if you defeat it the regular way (by slashing at it), it'll leave you a Heart or Green Rupee. Your first task after completing the Eastern Palace and obtaining the Pendant of Courage is to return to Sahasrahla's dwelling (which is a much easier journey since all you have to do is keep dropping down to lower levels heading west). In general, if you catch a Bee with the Bug Catching Net and put it into a Bottle, you can later release that Bee and it will fight enemies for you for a short time. The Good Bee does the same thing, but it will fight alongside you for a lot longer. You're back at Link's house! A curious new enemy that resides here is a rabbit-like creature known as a Toppo. The Toppo also hides in the tall grass and then leaps out high into the air for a surprise attack.
It might even be a good idea to move through the desert with your sword charged up just in case. There is a silent middle-aged man here, whose sign tells you to pay no attention to him. Other enemies in this swamp are Octoroks and Crows.Go to the northeast corner of the swamp to find some loose rock in the cliff wall. In this area are three turtle-like stones, one of which blocks your path forward. If you'll remember, after giving you the Pegasus Boots, Sahasrahla told you about a special item near Lake Hylia--that's our next objective. In both its Light and Dark World incarnations, the lake is filled with Zora who will attack Link upon sight. In den See ergießt sich ein Fluss, der vom Man kann vom Gerudotal in den Hylia-See schwimmen, aber nicht umgekehrt, weil dort ein kleiner Wasserfall ist.
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