That's what you wanted, right? Which path of the 3 mention are you referring to?First tip: Don't start leashless, you lose a lot of time, always start botside because bot lane has better leashes than a top laner, it probably cuts your first camp time in half.Second tip: do buffs, gromp and wolves, the order changes depending on which side of the map you are since you are starting bot side, so it could be: Blue>gromp>wolves>red or Red>wolves>blue>gromp. It is really a versatile spell so consider the situation for making the action. He started playing Warwick when it was reworked on day 1 and played thousands of games until he reached the skills he has today. After that, look for a gank and if absolutley impossible to gank(which is rare since WW has a pretty good gank)Third tip(not to WW): Never buy smite before the other components of the jungle item, on any jungler, you only need machete or talisman for the extra EXP, and upgrading the smite item doesn't increase the extra XP and the buffed smite+the talisman or machete effect(whichever you didn't start with) isn't worth 650g at all. His overall strengths and weaknesses are as follows:These champions give Warwick a hard time in game due to having a kit that can stop him from doing what he wants to do. You can often start leashless on enemy top side buff, then path back to river towards lane, holding off on deciding between taking W or E depending on if a cheese lvl 2 gank is available. I am looking for consistency :)Now I am hesitant about cheesing or invading early, because I am not sure how much burst a champion can get out before my lifesteal starts to kick in.
It also reduces critical strikes and slows enemies once activated.If you want to reflect enemies back, you can build Thornmail. Good luck on the Rift!Click Here to Try Porofessor and Help Support The Website as a startled Rift depends entirely on ad revenue to cover operating costs. Or brusier better than deaths dance?Man, thanks for the guide, I’ve been playing warwick this last month and I want to say Thank you very much for this huge guide and we all appreciate the effort you did to make it, it’s incredible how it can change the way someone play this champion.This League of Legends Season 10 Ultimate Warwick guide is the only guide that you will need in order to play Warwick Parnellyx is High Elo Warwick main on the North American server that peaked , Parnellyx, and CheIsea Smile.
Before we start on the Ultimate Guide to Warwick we first want to tell you why you should play him. Try to hold on to your ultimate whenever possible. This time however you have to do one more camp. It also amplifies his strongest area in the game which is mid game.Death’s Dance: Provides armor, magic resist, CDR and AD. I think having a path that provides you with 1050g regardless of kills is good, because you're not guaranteed an early kill every game.Hi, I tried to achieve this but Im not succeeding, the best I could do it to kill red at 3:01. All this time however i insist on buying tiamat on my first back, its super beneficial for this champ imo. You can often come in behind enemy laner and with E + Q a kill is almost guaranteed. Have fun climbing :)[10.17] Number 1 Warwick Guide 80% winrate to Masters NA!! health. With matchups, skill order and best items, this Warwick guide offers a full LoL Warwick Jungle build for League Patch 10.16. Let me provide you the best options for you first clear in the following. This item also blocks Lee Sin, Kha’zix, Kayn and many more. So far i haven't had any trouble with it, but I assume as I climb higher, the opposing jungler will be able to tell what i am doing.Red Start Raptors(Leashless) -> Red Buff(Smite) -> Wolves -> Blue Buff(Smite) -> Gromp -> Enemy Raptors -> Enemy Krugs(Smite) Another path I came up with. I used Summoner Cooldown Reduction. This provides 70 Armor and 400 health. Thank you!Thanks for supporting the site. It gives 80 AD, 250 HP. Adding The Skirmisher’s Sabre will increase the damage of every auto attack you deal the smited target. It gives magic resist, health, health regeneration, and CDR. They are both seeking preys to kill and fill their urge to hunt. This will provide a great follow up to your team and destroying theirs.Morgana works well with Warwick as he is susceptible to CCs. It will then grant you 30 Tenacity to move betterIf you want to slow down the attack speed of the enemy champions, you can build Randuin’s Omen. Use your Blood Hunt and take out enemies around the map. Generally on my first clear i try to powerfarm and punish low health lanes (too easy as WW).Leashless raptors enables lvl4 at 5 camps, it is a viable opening.First tip: No, no, no, and one more no. 3rd point was obviously in E, not another point for the clear.Now lets go to the main Point. Statistics include Warwick's Win Rate, Play Rate and Ban Rate. I'm still climbing though, and I am still new to this type of thinking.
Focus on flanking the enemy and targeting squishy champions on your engage. The only thing is that I am not sure you can get tiamat without getting a kill.
Every basic attack you receive will reflect back to the damage dealer and inflicting grievous wounds on them.If you want to reduce multiple ability power combos, you can build Adaptive Helm. Warwick plays very well in the early to mid game, Karthus can easily negate him by slowing the monster down with W, Wall of Pain which will give you a hard time utilizing your movement speed. If enemy laner has already dropped some HP, focus on that lane as you will gain a massive amount of movement speed the approach the gank quicker.