Q: Will platinum and gold … Das nur legis und am besten gleich mit 4x Platin droppen?
I don't recall seeing this in there so if it is, forgive me but, Inf 3 bosses no longer drop 16 fragments of infernal passage; they now drop 10. Hotfix Release 230. Hätte man denn nicht wenigstens auf Inf4 Modus die Fragment Restriktion aufheben können? In letzter Zeit habe ich selbst Inf4 loot blind verkauft weil ich keine Luste hatte mich durch 5 Seiten durchzuklicken. Sync Schedule: Thursday, the 9th of April 2020 TIME SCHEDULE 08:30 (CEST UTC +2) start count down on all instances (15 minutes) 08:45 (CEST UTC +2) start maintenance 09:30 (CEST UTC +2) servers going online again Hotfix content: Drop of Draken Core has been increased for Easter Event boss on new infernal difficulties Best regards, Your Drakensang Online Team. Fast nur Goldwerte und auch locker 1-2 Platinwerte je Run dabei. Lieber weniger, dafür aber bessere Items. Das ist wirklich so was von krank.Versehentliches Anklicken kann passieren. Release 231 ; Release 230 Details about the patch can be found here. To begin with, the warrior should be as his name says Warrior to endure, I do not know if you find out that each character has unique characteristics. Release 231 ; Release 230 Seitdem passe ich auf wohin ich klicke und schon ist das Problem behoben.Meine Anforderung zur Weiterleitung an den Entscheider. Drakensang Online DE. So finde ich es wesentlich angenehmer durch die items zu schauen.Da stimme ich dir zu. Something for them to have fun with and not quit the game.Not everyone can have the same damage, or is it that when the hunter takes the thrust, he recovers his life as you warriors?
Details about the patch can be found here.
Information about the version are available in the forum patch notes. Liebe(r) Forum-Leser/in, wenn Du in diesem Forum aktiv an den Gesprächen teilnehmen oder eigene Themen starten möchtest, musst Du Dich bitte zunächst im Spiel … A hotfix is scheduled for tomorrow morning, 9th of April. Release 233 Dear Heroes of Dracania, Tomorrow, 05.05.2020, the servers will be updated with Release 233, therefore there will be a server maintenance from 09:00 to around 15:00 am CEST (UTC+2). Was ich nicht so prall finde sind die Amphischlüssel im Beutel,das kann mal schnell in die Hose gehen,falls ich mal gegen eine AMPHORE renne Jedoch sind diese Items in der Tat qualitativ wesentlich besser. By editing/saving as the same name, they're dynamic here. Details about the patch can be found here. Or is it that we can go to a hand like you with more than 200k of life and endure as you endure? Dafür also Daumen hoch.Ich war auch erst "erstaunt" über die wenigen Items auf Inf5. ? On OneDrive online, use "Embed" and paste address into "Image" input. Hotfix Release 230. I need more play time to give an in depth review but, I read the release notes.
Dear Heroes of Dracania, Tomorrow, 04.03.2020, the servers will be updated with Release 229, therefore there will be a server maintenance from 09:00 to around 10:00 am CET (UTC+1). Dear Heroes, A hotfix will be deployed on the 24th of March and the servers will be on maintenance between 08:45 am – 09:30 am CET. I'm not pleased about the reduction, but if it was reduced, and not in the release notes, that is just another scummy move by BP.
Or is it that our tree can, for example, do what the guardian does? But we will monitor this release very closely and see if and what changes for the augment cores might be needed. We cannot have everything because if it were so I would have a tree that would resist as the guardian with 200k of life and that when I launch the deadly thrust I recover the life and also that with the lunge you stun itThis way those with the T10 items can only be matched with someone else who has T10 items. Release 230 Und da ja mal eingeführt wurde, dass auf Inf 4 nur noch Pinkies fallen, verstehe ich nicht so ganz, warum in den noch höheren Modi jetzt plötzlich wieder grün und blau fällt.