dota wtf submit

dota wtf submit

(8m06s)Bloodseeker Baited into Techies Bombs by Clever Morphling Play (0m12s)Ursa Tricked by Magnus Illusions and Finally Killed by the Real One (1m29s)Legion Commander Duels Disruptor. Whenever he Dies he Enters Wraith Form and Delays his Death for 7 Seconds - Enough Time to Teleport back to the Fountain and Keep the Rapier (5m28s)Pugna Accidentally Casts Life Drain on a Friendly Creep and Dies by Healing the Creep (6m51s)Tidehunter Fights Bravely but is Killed by Roshan when he Tries to Teleport back from the Roshpit at Ultra Low Health (7m31s)Lifestealer Radiance, Pudge Rot and Riki Invis Combo Wipes Enemy Team (0m12s)Sand King Sand Storm vs Crystal Maiden Freezing Field Duel (1m35s)Close Battle, Both Ancients Under Attack - Broodmother cannot be Reached by Melee Heroes and Manages to Destroy the Ancient (2m19s)Spirit Breaker "Drive-By" Kills Low Health Slark and Slardar (3m55s)Omniknight Purifies Invisible Clinks with Sick Anticipation (5m13s)Techies Immediately Glimpsed back into Fight after Sucide and Killed again (6m02s)It Could Have been Worse, Techies - Invoker Glimpsed Back and Killed after Rebuy (6m51s)Ogre Magi Pops Lots of Sentries to Spy Techies Mines (7m36s)Lich Puts Three Chains Frosts on Ancients and Kills Axe when he Comes near them (0m59s)Anti Mage Heals Again and Again and Kills Bloodseeker in the End (1m46s)Bat Rider Pulls Enemy Courier with his Lasso (3m19s)Rubick Steals Chronosphere and Turns the Tables (4m20s)Slardar and Bloodseeker Kill Roshan but are Scared away by Undying´s Zombies after he Falls. r/DotA2: Dota. Whether Win or Fail, Rampage and Skilled Play or Thug Life and Strange Bugs, Dota WTF has it all. I want to send a video clip. Oturum açın. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. Rubick steals Huskars ulti and keeps one-hitting his foes (1m11s)Triple Pudge as Morphling morphs into Pudge and Rubick steals his spell (2m50s)Riki can´t prevent Megacreeps from destroying the Ancient as attacking them doesn´t reveal him (3m48s)Clockwerks Hookshot through two lines of Storm Spirit Remnants kills him (7m11s)Spirit Breaker charges at Storm Spirit who places Remnants after each 500 distance and dies (0m44s)Morphling morphs into Tiny and plays Volleyball with real Tiny (1m13s)Rubick steal Pangoliers Ulti and starts a race (1m25s)Tiny throws foe after foe as toss has no cooldown any more (2m09s)Storm Spirit with Kaya rushes from his Ancient to enemies Ancient and kills two (2m28s)Yet another Pangolier flipper kills Phantom Assassin (3m54s)Pudge hooks both enemie´s bounty runes to his own base (4m23s)Windranger combines Focus Fire and Winrun to destroy Ancient (5m36s) Dark Willow uses Terrorize to make foes flee after they killed Roshan. EZ Aegis steal (6m28s)Treant Protector keeps slapping and rooting Nature´s Prophet (7m30s)Dark Willow denies Vengeful Spirit, and Venges Illusion after death kills Dark Willow (0m14s)Magnus rushes and saves all foes from beeing killed by Invoker´s Cataclysm (1m28s)Riki can kill Roshan without being revealed (2m47s)Io tethered to Winter Wyvern is an insane machine gun (3m37s)Triple Cataclysm into Faceless Void´s Chronosphere (5m03s)Batrider Flaming Lasso Combo with Pangolier´s Ulti (6m13s)Triple Blademail Kills Tinker by Reflecting the March of the Machines (0m12s)Riki Steals Gem of True Sight from Enemies Fountain (0m53s)Spirit Breaker Targets a Creep to Escape from 2 Enemy Heroes, but when the Creep Falls, he Returns to them (2m00s)Bristleback Pops his Blademail before Invis Shadow Fiend Casts his Ulti - Shadow Fiend Dies, but Bristle had no Vision before - Strange! CLICK HERE or POST IT HERE DIRECTLY
Windranger Blinks in, Plants a Tree with an Iron Branch, Shakles LC to the Tree and Kills him - Pro Play! By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies.

(2m40s)Tidehunter Wastes Double Ravage on Sven, who Dodges the First by Blinking Away and the Second with BKB (3m22s)Kunkka Casts X on Tinker at the Fountain, he Teleports Away and Returns to Recharge - After a Couple Times of Repeating this, Winter Wyvern Casts Winter´s Curse on Tinker before he Returns and Kunkka Slaughters him (3m42s)Ember Spirit Turned into a Pig when Casting a Remnant - His Remnant is Now a Pig ¯_(ツ)_/¯  (4m33s)Someone Submits a Video to DotaWTF Thinking he found a Bug - Instead it´s a Simple Creep Kill (5m17s)Ember Spirit Escapes to his Remnant - Unfortunately for him, Rubick is Waiting there and Placed Tons of Storm Spirit´s Static Remnants (7m38s)Another Nice Rubick Telekinesis Combo Kills Riki with the Help of Towers (0m43s)Axe is Seperated from Enchantress by Earthshakers Fissure, but Enemy Spirit Breaker Punches him over to Secure the Kill (1m12s)Lifestealer Infest Combo with Earthshaker and Spirit Breaker - SB Charges into Enemy Base, the 2 other Team Mates Teleport in with Boots of Travel Lvl 2 -> 5 Heroes Suddenly Appear and Win the Game (1m50s)Noob Phantom Assassin Teleports to Invoker while he is under Attack of Dragon Knight.

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dota wtf submit 2020