mordhau tier list

mordhau tier list

When it comes to medieval combat there’s plenty more to consider than raw damage stats, it’s also all about having the versatility to throw your foes off and sneak in a killing blow. Good luck out on the battlefields. The Most REAL Mordhau Tier List (Definitive Edition) - YouTube If that's what you're going after, then this weapon is a perfect fit.Recurve Bow is not as good as a Long Bow or Crossbow, but it's your best bet if you want something ranged but  don't like the cost of a Long Bow and the slow reload time of the Crossbow.With certain perks this could become a really good ranged weapon for any archer build you're aiming for.Falchion is a very fast one-handed weapon that does a decent amount of damage. Meaning, it does not rate your build, only the weapons in an absolute. It is shorter than Longsword and doesn't have the same reach, although not by much.There is also a one-handed version of Messer that could be just as good in combination with the Heater shield.Rapier is probably the most beginner friendly weapon in That is one of the reasons why you will see so many players using a Rapier on Duel servers.A one-handed axe can be quite effective as well. Each armour tier has progressing amounts of damage mitigation, at the cost of footspeed. This list could not actually be any more wrong than it currently is. Before diving into our tier list, check out our breakdown of the list below. Drag the images into the order you would like. Boasts decent range, can poke, and has a surprisingly swift attack speed. This list could not actually be any more wrong than it currently is. You may mix and match armour tiers in your loadout. The Halberd is another top tier weapon.This list might be applicable to someone with 5 hours of experience, or when playing against equally new players, but it doesn't hold up to a stiff breeze once you pit it against people who know what they're doing.If you dont mind me asking, would you mind explaining why each weapon is in the tier that it is? Weapons you have in the A Tier … That is why we offer you a tier list of the best weapons in Mordhau from best to worst..
Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts 1. I'd like to introduce you my weapon tier list, but first, let me explain some important details.As with all tier lists, you should be aware that it does not take into account a lot of information.For instance swords are better all around weapons, but if you fight a lot of tier 3 armored players, you should look into hammers which deals tremendous damage to them.Another big issue is the grading can't take into account the point system. Exceptional against groups. Use our Mordhau tier list template to create your own tier list. It is really difficult to find the best weapon amongst such a huge variety of choices. I generally dont follow tier lists, but I do like to read and listen to why weapons are considered better than others.I find most weapons are pretty neatly balanced, all in all, the game still favors fast swinging weapons but you can still work around with slower weapons.

Press the labels to change the label text. Edit the label text in each row. If you play Mordhau and looking for the best weapon for Invasion & Frontline mode, this guide will give you some tips that might help you chose your weapon. What are your thoughts on that vs, say, the Messer? Tier List. Share. Weapons like the Estoc, Longsword, and Spear also have no place being considered the top tier.Weapons you have in the A Tier are also a joke. I have read that those parrying shields offer better stamina negation, but I am unsure how important that is and whether that offsets the ability to go two-handed for the different timings, or just using those points elsewhere.What are your thoughts on the Halberd vs the Zweihander?This list could not actually be any more wrong than it currently is.Nearly every weapon you've put in S Tier is garbage, that being the vast majority of 1 handers. That is why we offer you a tier list of the best weapons in Halberd is an expensive weapon, but the damage is definitely worth it.
Sure, you can OS anyone with a strike to the head and two shots otherwise, but with proper spacing, faster weapons, the maul will struggle all day long before he can hit these strikes.Putting half the melee roster in "S" tier kinda dilutes the top-tierness of itThis list is only really applicable if you're brand new or really bad at video games.Rapier is easily one of the worst swords in the game, especially at 4 points. Below I’ve ordered all 19 perks currently in Mordhau into five tiers, ranging from S-Tier (best) to D-Tier (worst).

Let’s check it out. For example, Short Spear may fit your criteria a little better.This is a great weapon for light armor builds that want to be really fast in combat.It has a massive stabbing damage, which is great for penetrating heavy armor, and the throws can be almost as accurate as those of an archer.Having one Short Spear is great, but it's even better if you manage to get two. Seems arbitrary.Umm, and who are you exactly? Eveningstar Can kill with one blow to the head or two to the chest. Arming sword is a much better weapon AND is cheaper.You have S tier weapons like Messer/Zwei/War axe ranked lower than a lot of noob trap weapons that are pretty useless outside of their ease of use.Messer / War Axe / Zwei / Longsword / Greatsword are the best weapons in the game for experienced players. Zweihander This very long sword marries high damage and long reach. Halberd Incredibly versatile with long reach and high damage. Tier list of weapon from left to right: This tier list based on killing anyone with 2 hits. Getting to grips with Mordhau’s combat is tricky enough, so we’re here to help ease you in with a guide to the best weaponsWant to know what the best Mordhau weapons are? I haven't seen any other weapon where someone is able to do that.Maul is really, really slow, with a very poor range. Mordhau has a somewhat complex weapons system. Click 'Save/Download' and add a title and description. 2.

You also want a 3/3/3 build, it limits your choice of weapon to only a few.To summarize, to efficiently use this tier list, you should first think about the perks you really want, then, choose the amount of armor you wish to have.Everyone should aim for at least a 1/1/0, thus, greatly reducing the amount of weapons being able to OS you.

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mordhau tier list 2020