war thunder russian tanks

war thunder russian tanks

Neues Abzeichen "Soviet Panthers." You have the best pen APHE gun at 6.7 with armor that will defend you against 70% of the opponents you face? Die Nanchang Q-5 kommt im nächsten großen Update zu War Thunder!

Attacking the A point, Attacking the B point and Attacking the C point.Attacking the A point, Attacking the B point and Attacking the C point.© 2020 by Gaijin Games Kft. "Racing" M18; 1. The Tiger II can still reliable pen the gun mantlet of the T29 out to 900m on a larger surface area than the mantlet area on the Tiger II, pen the upper front plate of the T29 out to 1400m straight into all of it's ammo

they the best tanks out there? Shillin absolutely listen to NoodleCup here because he has no biased opinions at all. Zum ersten Mal in War Thunder! That's usally lowest part of turret dead center.

US & UK just works really well for the most Part. Er wurde erstmals Ende der 1950er Jahre in Dienst gestellt, als die USA dringend einen Panzer brauchten, der die neueste Generation sowjetischer Panzer bekämpfen können sollte. This is a Russian Bias thread of which there is none.. just a lot of people who do not know how to kill a Russian tank. The t44 100 T10  IS4  T54 have always high kill rates ridiculous numbers like 16 , 14 and so on.

Their CAS is almost non-existent, only JP have it worse. Now it just comes up occasionally as a dumb meme. kann man nicht verpassen!

Armor has weakspots as big as a barn door. Du siehst jetzt: The Shooting Range – Unsere wöchentliche Show für Panzerfahrer, Kapitäne und Piloten in War Thunder! I can see why so many players at the lower tiers are playing Russian/American tanks. Ok, Thunderskill might say something different again.....xD

Ein 120 mm Marinegeschütz auf dem Fahrgestell des japanischen Panzer Chi-Ha sollten die landenden amerikanischen Truppen mit direktem Feuer treffen. Yes its better than Russia but Russia and Germany get teamed together these days and get yeetstomped by US and UK. Prem Jagdpanther. 9. 18 August 2020. Russian bias is dead and has been for a couple years. In fact they should drive them all. How does that compare to the Tortoise with worse speed, worse armor and worse gun?

I have been playing US tanks since the beginning and Im also complaining about the Russian bias especially the T-34s And KVs becos I keep bouncing shots with my Shermans for the longest time. We already have 3,069 articles on our Wiki.

Sultan. AB guys should just limit themselves to only parts of the line-ups that are competitive so there will be less complaints about imaginary issues.

"Re-arming German Tanks." Birds Of Steel -B-

As for Soviet shells: Gaijin made a big nerf a few years back to shells with high HE-filler content which hit Soviets the worst.
Mar 17, 2016 @ 6:15pm Russia is generally the … T-44's always get hit in the turret cheek. new to the game but I see so many players playing Russian tanks and they always seem to one shot me. 75/18 M41; 75/32 M41; 75/34 M42; 75/34 M43; 75/46 M43; 8. Romania received 13 Panther tanks from the Soviet Union in May 1946 and served until 1950.
I have done that, I take about 20 of each shells, mite take even less in that case

That's just stupid, no matter the crew skill, gun, the most difficult to hit and (should be) hardest to fix modules, shouldn't be fixed in 10 seconds when 99% of other players with even half trained repair have to wait half a minute to repair a red (not destroyed) engine or turret ring. Hell I fare much better/ get more kills when I play my US tanks. Neues Abzeichen In a couple days they will also get a merkava with thermals. Well I am just some Russian shill who only looks to improve a single nation obviously. Don't take each shell at all, take just the best one (and even less than 20 if you can), unless it's AP with no HE filler, then take max 5 HE shells as well to kill trucks and light vehicles. The German 6.7 lineup without the hidden vehicles

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war thunder russian tanks 2020