That's about it, but it's kinda cute.Effect: When using this extra along with Fertilizer, pressing Z on a bantha, dewback, or tauntaun will cause it to poop money!Effect: If you use any character with a walkie talkie (Battle Droid (Commander) or Imperial Spy), then using it will disable all droids in the area for a short time.Effect: With this turned on, you'll have an arrow pointing at all the Power Bricks. CyricZ started writing to get all the thoughts in his head about video games onto paper and it got out of hand. -- costs 30,000 studs. Note that despite being Brick #36, this one is found in VI-5. Extras LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga ... Extras. Extras are components that give the player a special ability in all the LEGO Star Wars video games. -- costs 20,000,000 studs. -- costs 30,000 studs. For Boba Fett and 4-LOM (who already have upgraded blasters), their blasters now kill any enemy with one shot. Extras are fun (or useful) little goodies you can apply to your game. Makes cleanup of mobs rather easy and fun. Nope! Good for staying alive, and quite a bit cheaper than invincibility or a Ghost.Effect: You'll see a big flashing arrow pointing to hidden minikits.
If you play well, you'll lose 4,000 studs if you die. Sadly, you will still only take one heart off bosses.Effect: This is for vehicle missions. -- costs 15,000 studs. You can actually use this within a group of enemies to take them out, and it acts as a Thermal Detonator, blowing up shiny objects.Effect: This seriously shortens your build time. -- costs 50,000 studs. This will splash to anyone in the vicinity (yourself included). -- costs 90,000 studs.
With this off, you only lose 2,000 studs every time you die. When an extra is unlocked, it can be bought in the spawn room by the person in the game that sells stuff. It DOESN'T work on gun emplacements or other things you'd need to blow up to move ahead, like AT-ATs.Effect: With this enabled, a droid's zap will destroy an enemy droid in one shot.Effect: This will increase the area effect of the Jedi Slam (double jump, then attack). If you have a LEGO Star Wars I save file, turning this on gives you all of the characters from LSWI (that you have) along with whatever LSWII characters you have.
-- costs 20,000 studs. Press a certain button (O on the PS2) to cause the character you're playing as (a droid) to explode. Press C while either Jango Fett or Boba Fett and you'll launch a rocket, which will home in on enemies.Effect: Score multiplies by 8. Unfortunately, bosses will still only take one heart of damage per hit.Effect: This basically makes using the Force on objects go much faster. Useful if you're surrounded by bad guys or just generally impatient.Effect: This makes your lightsaber purple and doubles its damage. -- costs 30,000 studs. Actually, all this does is give any Jedi the ability to manipulate objects with red sparklies.
Press a certain button (O on the PS2) to have animals take a dump when riding one.
Arrows will guide you to show you where a minikit is (note: the detector may lead you to a place that is marked as a minikit location, but there is no minikit. LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Minifigure, DUPLO, LEGENDS OF CHIMA, NINJAGO, BIONICLE, MINDSTORMS and MIXELS are trademarks and copyrights of the LEGO Group.
This includes Fett's blaster, which already does double damage anyway. -- costs 2,000,000 studs. -- costs 25,000 studs.
This increases your stud pickup radius considerably, making collecting SO much quicker.Effect: All enemy guns (except those on droids) will become delicious carrots, which cannot shoot.Effect: With this active, defeating enemies will make them drop studs. When playing the Free Play mode on any level, this will give you extra characters when turned on. Also, this causes unlimited damage to everyone but bosses.Effect: This one about doubles the range of the thermal detonators, and it probably increases their power, too, which was already pretty sizable to begin with.Effect: Who needs a saber, now? These rockets home in if fired at an enemy. As a note, I've organized this by number as it will appear in the bar, but this one is found in V-6.Effect: Score multiplies by 6.