war thunder atlanta

war thunder atlanta

Royal Equestrian Canterlot Guard [RECG] The Atlanta Class Cruisers were quite well armed for there purpose. Keep it up :)Another cruiser that will take a month to grind. Higgins 78 ft PT-71 . Damm, that sounds like some good news I hope we'll get to see way more cool and fun stuf for navy, ground forces and a bit of air.

Este é um navio muito pedido para as forças navais do War Thunder, e vai oferecer aos futuros capitães um conjunto de ativos pouco usual, únicos a este navio em particular, dado o elevado nível de versatilidade.O ativo mais notável do USS Atlanta é o elevado número de armamento primário. Chapayev . All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. New locations.

Type 75. © 2020 by Gaijin Games Kft. After suffering nearly 2 dozen hits, and the loss of Admiral Scott the San Francisco suddenly realized her mistake. It was introduced in Update 1.91 "Night Vision". © 2010—2020 by Gaijin Entertainment. Being a highly requested addition to War Thunder naval forces, USS Atlanta will offer its future captains quite an unusual set of traits, unique to this warship in particular, giving it a high degree of versatility.USS Atlanta’s standout feature is its immediately noticeable large number of primary weapons. Nestes casos deverá confiar na boa mobilidade do navio, que consegue alcançar os 32.5 nós.O USS Atlanta está a chegar aos estaleiros dos jogadores do WAr Thudner na atualização 1.91! Despite ostensibly being an anti-air cruiser, the only anti-air secondaries on the Atlanta are three quad 1.1-inch "Chicago Piano" mounts. Versatile and vigilant are exactly what captains of USS Atlanta will have to be in battle. USS Atlanta is the lead ship of her class of eight light cruisers, initially built for the USN as flotilla leaders in the late 1930s. The Atlanta class, USS Atlanta (CL-51) is a rank IV American cruiser with a battle rating of 5.3 (AB/RB/SB). Ouiche, Ouiche. With so many fast firing guns? These guns have a high rate of fire even with an untrained crew and have an acceptable quantity of high explosive per shell. On larger maps where cruisers engage at distances as far as 12-13 km, the Atlanta is a poor choice. HMS Arethusa. They carried 8 turrets all containing dual mounted 5" multi-purpose guns which could be trained on enemy ships or enemy planes.

Fix Navy RP gain!!! Although the USS Atlanta made it through the night, it became clear the next morning that the damage was too severe to deal with and the order for scuttling was issued on 13 November 1942. For all legal matters, please contact — The Atlanta is best saved for close maps like Arctic Port where her guns can eviscerate cruisers inside 6-8 km. at least I can say that you guys started the devblog season off with a bang. Já na próxima atualização 1.91, os capitães do War Thunder poderão ter este navio no seu estaleiro e leva-lo para batalha!Resumo: Um navio com pouca blindagem, mas muito armamento para um cruzador leve, com dezasseis canhões multifunções de 5 libras!Os cruzadores leves Classe Atlanta surgiram no final dos anos 30 na altura que a Marinha dos EUA considerava múltiplos desenhos propostos para novos cruzadores leves que estivessem de acordo com as limitações do Segundo Tratado Naval de Londres de 1936.Ao aperceber-se que todos os requerimentos não podiam ser cumpridos com um desenho limitado ao nível do deslocamento, foi tomada a decisão de adotar desenhos de cruzadores mais pequenos para atuar como líderes de contratorpedeiros. All rights reserved. Airplane Gods -APGOD-

USS Atlanta is the lead ship of her class of eight light cruisers, initially built for the USN as flotilla leaders in the late 1930s. Berezhok *9M1* The last 4 ships in the class, from the Oakland on, replaced the side mounted 5" guns with 40mm canons.In June 1942 she was present at the famous Battle of Midway, where she screened the USS Hornet.

Versáteis e vigilantes é exatamente os capitães do USS Atlanta terão de ser em batalha.

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war thunder atlanta 2020