PC版World of Tanksプレイヤーによるアドベントカレンダーです。 WoTプレイヤーならだれでも参加自由! 内容も初心者へのアドバイス、何らかの解説、WG批判、怪文書何でもOK! 25記事集めてレッツバトル! Our social media channels also went through the roof, with an official How did you do, compared to all of World of Tanks EU? We kicked it off with an entirely new class of vehicles. World of Tanks is an epic online multiplayer game featuring authentic tanks from the mid-20th century. Estamos celebrando o Dia do Tanqueiro mais cedo com o Estilo "Dia do Tanqueiro 2020" entre outros itens! Participation regulations and rewards Black Friday has come to World of Tanks: Mercenaries!Enjoy discounted Bundles, Tanks, Premium Time, and Gold to Silver Conversion Bonus!With all Premium Tanks in Tech Trees and Premium Tech Tree available at Note: offer does not include Seasonal, Monster, Black, Licensed, Event or Prize Tanks. O caça-tanques alemão de Nível VIII Kanonenjagdpanzer 105 está de volta na Loja! February 2019: VI Panhard AMD 178B VII Hotchkiss EBR VIII Panhard AML Lynx 6x6 IX Panhard EBR 90 X Panhard EBR 105 : 02.05: Controversial light tanks without treads are added to the game! Você decide! The Wargaming Store celebrates Steel Hunter with a limited-time offer!10-Year Anniversary: Act V Customization Elements in the Anniversary Store É a sua vez de sentir todo o poder da guerra em locais históricos onde estratégia é tão importante quanto habilidade para que haja a vitória! TANK REWARDS. Lies … We kicked it off with an entirely new class of vehicles. World of Tanks is an epic online multiplayer game featuring authentic tanks from the mid-20th century. Until August 30th, buy our special 10th Anniversary Bundle and get a free mystery gift! Uma Relíquia Alemã: O Kanonenjagdpanzer 105 November 26, 2019 SHARE: Discounts of up to 75% are waiting for you! a map exclusion feature, XP modifiers, a credit reserve and moreTwo TwitchCons, Tankfest, Wacken, gamescom and WGFest in Minsk Then join in 30 vs. 30 combat on a 9 km² map as attackers or defenders. Ambos soviéticos, ambos de Nível VIII, o caça-tanques T-103 e o tanque médio T-44-100 estão agora na Loja! Selecting another region may affect the website content. The "PS" Family logo is a registered trademark and "PS4" is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. "Xbox" and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies and are used under license from Microsoft.
Traga a Tempestade ao Campo de Batalha com o Bourrasque! Nach dem starken vierten Quartal 2019 sind die Spielerzahlen von World of Warcraft auch in den ersten Monaten von 2020 weiter gestiegen. Get ready for the seventh installment! Buy 2 Get 1 Free on all apparel at the Wargaming Store! Troca de Veículos: Volume 10 Selecting another region may affect the website content. Special Offer: Object 703 Version II.
You might love them, or you might hate them, but one thing is for sure, the wheeled vehicles have turned more than heads in World of Tanks. Selecting another region may affect the website content. Take the Battlefield by Storm with the Bourrasque! The official World of Tanks rewards program! Get the 10th Anniversary Bundle and get a free gift! These features are added with each Tier gradually as you research new … Selecionando outra região pode afetar o conteúdo do site. Tired of seeing that vehicle in your Garage? We're celebrating Tankman's Day early with the "Tanker Day 2020" Style and other goodies! Take control of steel beasts and battle through historic locations where strategy means victory. Pegue Seu Pacote de Ajuda Dime! É a sua vez de sentir todo o poder da guerra em locais históricos onde estratégia é tão importante quanto habilidade para que haja a vitória! "Wargaming.net" and "World of Tanks", and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Wargaming in the USA and other countries. Please note that both the report and gift are only available until Trade it in for a different model! Introduced in Update 1.4, wheeled vehicles differ from "regular" tanks due to their new unique mechanics: the lock-on feature and two driving modes.
Collapse. Create account. Take control of steel beasts and battle through historic locations where strategy means victory. Ganhe Ótimas Recompensas em Nosso Aniversário de 10 Anos!Ganhe Ótimas Recompensas na Temporada 2 do Passe de Batalha! Domine o Campo de Batalha com Esta Dupla! Entre em batalhas online brutalmente pesadas de até 15 vs 15 jogadores com os principais tanques das nações protagonistas da Segunda Guerra Mundial. You had the chance to prove yourself in plenty of monthly missions and marathons, like XP Fever and In April, we sent you back in time to the good old days with But tanks weren’t the only thing off to the races this year. Special WoT missions where you can earn blueprints, Premium vehicles, Garage Slots, and more! Leaderboards, ships statistics and configurations, ranked and team battles and much much more Our platforms (wows-numbers.com, wot-numbers.com) present data from Wargaming's products.
Celebrate Tankman's Day! World of Tanks Online-Spiel Ein Panzer besteht aus tausenden von Teilen, aber der wichtigste bist DU. Get the brand-new Polish Tier VIII medium tank, the sly CS-52 LIS, for free or at a discount—you decide! Selecting another region may affect the website content. World of Tanks tournament schedules: 3x3, 3-5-7, super tournaments.