war thunder anime skins

war thunder anime skins

Teacher's J2 Skyly can be applied to many planes, as its design seems to be a mashup of various real world designs, like a FW-190, Spitfire, Mustang etc.

Stop pretending you're only moments away from Gaijin filling your game with anime planes, like they're barbarians at the gate. I never thought of that, awesome idea!La-5 Makes sense (other than the being fast part, its a little underpowered in the engine department :P) Yaks would make sense as well :) I'm probably thinking something like the peashooters.

decal; anime; tanks; planes; Ahyote 14 Ahyote 14 Recruit; Member; 14 9 posts; Gender: Male; Location: United States; 2268 Report post; Posted July 16, 2019. United Nations Security Council =UNSC=

1300 Royal Equestrian Canterlot Guard [RECG]

Well the models were designed from what was described in the novels anyway.Spent a while to take a rest and pause making skins..And then someone said we need more Gundam based skins.Okay now I think I can start to make a F9F Earth Federation skinso what happens when you add the Red Comet to a Komet?So I was experimenting with Spagooter's downloaded RAF Trainer Fury skin out of boredom in a class, and came up with this WIP.

irc.quakenet.org: #warthunderirc.freenode.org: #grangerhub Well the models were designed from what was described in the novels anyway.DAMMIT, so I guess Santacruz isn't Stuka afterall eh ? Currently I'm working off the If we are going to GuP-pify the planes, currently we have the following conventions. - Jogging

Just figured I'd post something a little more subdued and palatable to the historical accuracy buffs.irc.freenode.org: #grangerhub I don't remember that camo at all, maybe you meant this one?I remember seeing these 3 short movies on VHS! Spitfire Mk.Vb 7350.

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Those winglet things on the elevator, the horizontal fin support, the light, the engine...I've seen some concept art of what the student's planes were going to be like before the anime came out, and they were a lot different to what you see in the anime. Nacht Kartoffel Geschwader -NKG- Cool Kids Club =CKC=

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war thunder anime skins 2020