The SOST projectile loaded in the MK318 Mod 0 cartridge has a nominal weight of 62 grains and a nominal length of 0.87”. Made in USA
They said the bullet isn’t a The only branch of the military not to show any interest in the new round at all is the US Army, which is instead deploying its new M855A1 “Enhanced Performance Round,” also known as the lead-free or “environmentally friendly” round. These are classified as open tip match or OTM bullets and are not considered expanding or hollow point bullets in compliance with treaties on warfare. You last purchased this product on
Designed specifically for a military contract and designated 7.62x51mm NATO MK319 MOD 0 SOST (Special Operations Science and Technology), these "barrier blind" open tip match bullets are designed for rapid expansion and deep penetration through all types of media.
Using an open-tip match round design common with some sniper ammunition, SOST rounds are designed to be “barrier blind,” meaning they stay on target better than existing M855 rounds after penetrating windshields, car doors and other objects. Some folks refer to it as the SOST round, others call it the OTMRP round, the phrase “barrier blind ammo” has been tossed around the internet, and the official Navy designation is Mk 318 Mod 0.
Performance objectives for the new ammo were as follows:It was a tall order, but the first prototype batch of ammo was delivered to the government in August 2007. We want you, our readers, to be able to make informed decisions.
This new SOST round is designated as MK319 MOD-0. The rear of the bullet has a thick base of solid copper for deep penetration through tough barriers.
We use cookies to give you the best possible experience. It is constructed with a copper base and a small, non-bonded lead core in the ogive section of the bullet.
how many more photos of specops will I see in open, mountain terrain, with snub bbls, when that AO needs long-bbl-ballistics, not short-bbl maneuverablilty! Others say that with budget cuts coming soon, the Army is anxious to advertise itself to influential Congress members as the most environmentally friendly branch of the armed forces. with ‘hollow’ nose; try it with a steel hollow nose; it would penetrate nicely, then tumble, due to the rear-heavy CG; it’s a long bullet, so, a lot of bleeding, etc; also why the F have we not gone to a bullpup that allows a compact, yet ‘full power bbl’? Designed specifically for a military contract and designated 7.62x51mm NATO MK319 MOD 0 SOST (Special Operations Science and Technology), these "barrier blind" open tip match bullets are designed for rapid expansion and deep penetration through all types of media. USMCsean. Hurry, because these will not last! We're sorry, requires JavaScript and it appears to be disabled. Federal 7.62x51mm NATO MK319 MOD 0 SOST (Special Operations Science and Technology) ammunition with a 130 grain "barrier blind" open tip match bullet is a New military projectile developed from technology utilized in current law enforcement projectiles. Federal 7.62x51mm Nato T762TNB1 MK319 Mod 0 SOST 130 gr Open Tip Match 20 per boxFederal 7.62x51mm Nato T762TNB1 MK319 Mod 0 SOST 130 gr Open Tip Match 20 per boxWe have one of the largest stocking inventory selection of the best
The United States Special Operations Command is using a new 5.56 NATO cartridge, and now the Marine Corps is trying it out as well. You can learn more about the cookies we use and why we use them by viewing our
A guy I know found the loading information in an ammo tech's requirements paper from a manual. Although not identical, the 7.62×51mm NATO and the commercial Work that would eventually develop the 7.62×51mm NATO started just after Thus when war appeared to be looming again, only a couple of decades later, the .30-06 Springfield was the only round available, and the During the 1940s and early 1950s, several experiments were carried out to improve the M1 Garand semi-automatic rifle. Some observers say that the Army is dead set on buying ammo from the development program it paid for, and won’t buy ammo developed by the Navy no matter how good it might be. Thread Tools. AA53 MK 262 & MK 12 Special Purpose Rifle (SPR) Fielded late FY01 (Post 9/11) Post 9/11 reports of ineffective … Mk316 Mod0 loading The Federal bullets would likely fall under the same jurisdiction and no wink wink nod nod is required to use them in general warfare.Would like to see analysis of Russian 5.45mm(?) For instance, M14 variants such as the Specialized loadings were created for 7.62×51mm NATO-chambered sniper rifles. (You save $7.00)
The round was designed as a barrier defeating round with superior penetration and better ballistic stability when shooting through glass, car doors and other barriers where other rounds simply bounce off. The common The 7.62×51mm NATO cartridge approaches the ballistic performance of the original U.S. military This four-character alphanumeric code is used by the US Armed Forces and NATO to identify the cartridge, the cartridge type, and the packing method (cartons, clips, link belt, or bulk) used.