The page should be recrawled before appearing in Search results again.Also clears cached copy of the page and the page snippet.Use this feature as the first step in permanently blocking a page from Google Search results.You can block either a specific URL or all URLs that start with a specific prefix.Wipes out the page description snippet in Search results until the page is crawled again, when the snippet is generated from the new content. I recommend using this tool to improve the overall SEO and Quality of the website.Remember to share this post with anyone who might benefit from this information, including your Facebook friends, Twitter followers and members of your Google+ group! To speed up the process of removing it from Google Search, use the Outdated Content Removal tool. Removing information from Google won't remove it from the web, and removing information from the web requires a few extra steps to remove from Google.Protect or remove all variations of the URL for the content that you want to hide, because in many cases, different URLs can point to the same page, for example: First confirm that the page is truly gone before doing this! To remove a url from Google, first make sure that you are logged into your Google accounts. Similarly, the ‘Report Inappropriate Content’ tool allows users to do just that. People can have links to your unlisted page because they visited it earlier, or someone sent it to them, or because other pages link to it.Please remember that Google doesn’t own the web; we just help you find stuff on it. Then, type in the exact url that you want removed and then click continue. Google recently announced an improvement to its URL removal tool. The page can reappear in Search results after the blackout period. User search your product and google provide him cache version of the page where he/she see the old price.So, it is also important to update or remove the cached version because Google takes time to update such kind of information, but you can fast this process with the help of URL Removal Tool.This option is very useful when we have to remove all the page in the directory. If there is no content than what you search or read on the Internet. Also Page, Images & LinkHow To Verify Site With Google Bing and Yandex Webmaster Tools Sorry!However, if you think there is a legal or Google Policy violation, see Please remember that Google doesn’t own the web; we just help you find stuff on it. Start here, whether you're a complete beginner, an SEO expert, or a website developer.“Get something off Google” means different things to different people. While the updates to the functionality and visuals in the ‘new look’ version of Google Search Console are generally consistent and in many cases, an improvement of the old tools, there has been some disquiet in the SEO community about the pace of change.Many essential tools have been left to fester in the ‘Legacy Tools and Reporting’, these still work but the extra couple of clicks to navigate back to old Search Console to use them is a step too far for many SEOs (myself included).There was cause for celebration last week in the community then when it was revealed that Google had finally migrated the URL Removal tool to the new version; and with some added features to boot!The URL Removal tool has long been useful for removing URLs (go figure!) His claim to fame is being interviewed on BBC radio about public toilets, but we reckon he’d rather be interviewed about his favourite destination – Las Vegas. Google URL Removal Tool. Rather than taking drastic measures like no indexing and blocking the page, a temporary removal may buy you a bit more time to update the messaging.Most of the time, SEOs want their content to be as visible as possible, but the situations above are examples of where it be may be beneficial for the greater good of the business to sacrifice visibility for a more seamless user experience or potentially improved customer journeys. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. If you don’t like something on a website that Google doesn’t own, we really can’t make the website owner remove it, we can only remove it from Google Search results (if appropriate). If the information lives on a non-Google property, use the Removal Troubleshooter for third-party pages. This tool was helpful for webmasters or users who needed to have content removed from the search engine results. Do you want to test removing one to see how the other performs? While these new features may be handy for some site owners, it’s unlikely they’ll be widely used by the public. You must request removal for the URL of each page or image that appears in Google Search results. Google's goal is to identify what information from the web is relevant to users' queries, not to determine whether that material is in some sense wrongful.However, if you think it really is a problem, here are some options:This does not apply to images; for images, robots.txt is the correct way to block images from search results.Never used Search Console before? Next, go to the Google webmaster tools and click on the New Removal Request. A temporary removal request is a way to remove specific content on your site from Google Search results. We’re going to explain how to request information removal, but please read the information below Do you want to remove the information only from Google Search, or from the web?