varta annual report

varta annual report

(0.72%) VARTA Micro Innovation GmbH


Personnel costs included non-cash expenses for share-based remuneration in the amount of If you're not sure which VARTA Aktiengesellschaft, Ellwangen (Jagst) The second segment, Household Batteries, comprises the

The date for these changes to come into effect has now been postponed until a more comprehensive review is completed. Hargreaves Lansdown is not responsible for an This report contains information and forecasts that refer to the company's future development. PROPERTY RIGHTS


Receivables from development projects of € 13,499k are largely due from the European Commission and relate to government subsidies for two projects in which the Group acts as coordinator and receives and manages the subsidies on a fiduciary basis from the funding authority.

The amounts for inventories are still preliminary, since the mark-downs for the costs still required for completion or sale and the appropriate profit surcharges on the still outstanding costs have not been finally determined. The revised framework is not subject to the endorsement process. Condensed consolidated management report for the first half of fiscal year 2020 The following new and revised standards and interpretations have been agreed, but will not come into force until later and were not applied prematurely in the present consolidated financial statements. Inventories increased in fiscal year 2020 because of the increase in revenue and the first-time consolidation of The completed acquisition of

Adjusted EBITDA rose by 174,2 % to € 102.1 million (+ 124.8% without VARTA Consumer). The conditions have no material effects on the existing hearing aid battery business of

Provisions for employee benefits

VARTA prepares an annual report each year that is tabled in the Victorian Parliament.Read past reports to find out about the Authority's aims, functions and achievements in previous years. Other personnel costs

30, 2020

Cost of share-based payment Cash and cash equivalents as of June 30, 2020 The Asian market plays the largest role because of its market and customer structure; many major manufacturers of wireless headphones have their products produced here.

The financial resources are being used, firstly, to finance the acquisition of the

Derivative financial instruments measured at fair value through comprehensive Income tax expense is recognized on the basis of the estimate of the average annual income tax rate for the fiscal year as a whole. Total identified net assets acquired Other financial liabilities consisted of the following:

The company, which is based in Budapest, was registered in the Commercial Register under the numberThe object of the company is trade in electronics and parts for telecommunication.VARTA Consumer Batteries Benelux B.V. (Netherlands), with the (direct and indirect) subsidiaries (100% in each case)EMEA Consumer Batteries (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. (China)VARTA Consumer Batteries Poland Sp.

Disposals from the scope of consolidation Foreign exchange losses

Costs of M&A transactions Order commitments from the purchase of property, plant and equipment amounted to € 186,706k (Dec. 31, 2019: € 153,516k).

This is an important control variable for high-growth manufacturing companies.

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varta annual report 2020