the flash staffel 1

the flash staffel 1

Labs and Dr. Wells.The Arrow arrives to help the Flash investigate a lethal boomerang, but a metahuman who can control emotions turns the Flash against his former pal.The Flash finally gets a chance to confront the Reverse-Flash, the man who killed his mother.

Based on Tembi Locke's best-selling memoir.Created by Justin Leach (“Ghost in the Shell 2”), Yasuhiro Irie (“Fullmetal Alchemist”) directs the story of robots raising the last human child.Wielding a light-up sword through the dark corners of a high school, a nurse with an unusual gift protects students from monsters only she can see.An aspiring young country singer finds the band she's been missing when she takes a job as a nanny for a musically talented family.Six-year-old Hank and his best buddy -- a honking, snorting trash truck -- go on lots of fun adventures, from learning to fly to visiting the dentist.While her mother is abroad, an 18-year-old who's lived in a hippie commune all her life sneaks out into the real world to find her biological father.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League - Trailer (English) HD Und Cisco erkennt, dass Dr. Wells etwas verheimlicht.Mark Mardon alias der Weather Wizard taucht in Central City auf, um den Tod seines Bruders durch Joe zu rächen. Labors hat, findet er heraus, dass er plötzlich die unglaubliche Kraft hat, sich superschnell bewegen zu können. The Trickster delivers a Christmas surprise, leaving Barry with a hard choice.

The Flash Staffel 1 Episodenguide: Wir fassen schnell & übersichtlich alle Folgen der 1. Labs für seinen Anzug benötigt.Während Joe und Cisco nach Starling City reisen, um Informationen von Lance zu erhalten, will Barry einen Metamenschen fangen, der sich in jede von ihm berührte Person verwandeln kann.Während Joe und Cisco nach Starling City reisen, um Informationen von Lance zu erhalten, will Barry einen Metamenschen fangen, der sich in jede von ihm berührte Person verwandeln kann.Barry, Caitlin, Cisco und Joe stellen Wells eine Falle – und verwenden Cisco als Lockvogel, bringen ihn aber dabei in Gefahr. Staffel der Serie "The Flash". When an unexpected particle accelerator accident strikes Barry he finds himself suddenly charged with the incredible power to move at super speeds.

Copyright © 2020 Apple Inc. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Caitlin finds herself overwhelmed by her evil side.When an iron-fisted alien species threatens all metahumans, Barry assembles Supergirl, Team Arrow and the Legends for an all-out battle.Barry asks Earth-3’s Jay Garrick for help in the fight against Savitar. Plus, Team Flash examines Nash while Barry faces a dangerous new foe.Despite being in serious danger, Joe refuses to take caution. Aber als Barry Linda Park kennenlernt, ist Iris von ihrer Reaktion überrascht.Liebe liegt in der Luft, als Caitlin beschließt, dass sie und Barry sich von Ronnie und Iris trennen müssen. Schaue dir alle 38 Videos jetzt an! Nora considers revealing the truth about her work with Thawne.Barry and Iris butt heads over how to deal with their daughter's shocking partnership. Barry turns to the Arrow for help.Zoom offers Dr. Wells a deal he can't refuse. Meanwhile, Barry sets out to uncover the mystery behind a mask.Barry and Iris's Valentine's Day dinner is rudely interrupted by a pesky nemesis. Re-creating the accident has an unexpected effect.Zoom and his new pack of metahumans are ravaging Earth-1. Die 1.

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the flash staffel 1 2020