tanki online hunter micro upgrades

tanki online hunter micro upgrades

Thanks to micro-upgrades, you don't need to wait until the next modification of an item becomes available, you can improve its stats step by step immediately. Massively Multiplayer Online Action Game We use Сookies to make sure our website is as secure and efficient as possible for our users. When fully micro-upgraded, Mk1-Mk6 modifications of turrets , hulls and modules have equal parameters to their higher modifications. Read the full details here . 1 Micro-Upgrades Hunter Mk1; 2 Micro-Upgrades Hunter Mk2; 3 Micro-Upgrades Hunter Mk3; 4 Micro-Upgrades Hunter Mk4; 5 Micro-Upgrades Hunter Mk5; 6 Micro-Upgrades Hunter Mk6; 7 Micro-Upgrades Hunter …

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