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Cambiamenti simili anche per altri retailerIl gruppo inditex (proprietario di zara) chiuderà 1200 negozi: gli effetti della pandemia e la spinta verso l’onlineVerso un nuovo concept di negozio: l’integrazione tra mondo online e offlineAltri retailer che hanno deciso di chiudere degli store Inditex said it would “absorb” between 1,000 and 1,200 mainly smaller stores, with losses concentrated among older shops from brands other than Zara. Ortega had saved up enough money to open a small factory and sold garments to his former employer amongst others. Here you will find all Inditex's presentations for shareholders and institutional investors, as well as the conference call transcriptions. They have the freedom to develop the styles and garments that create the right appeal – and all our brands are united by the Inditex way of doing business. "L'Uruguay, ad esempio, con un'economia forte che dovrebbe crescere fino a 3,7 miliardi di dollari USA nel 2021, è un mercato favorevole per l'e-commerce; le carte di debito locali costituiscono circa un terzo del volume dei pagamenti", ha affermato il signor Adi. We are giving detail of the advances achieved, aligned to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development  Inditex shares are traded in the Spanish Stock Exchanges and through the Continuous Market. Secondo Meirav Adi, vicepresidente commerciale di dLocal, i pagamenti locali si sono dimostrati vantaggiosi per le realtà globali che promuovono l'e-commerce. Find out how we create social and environmental value in our They have the freedom to develop the styles and garments that create the right appeal – and all our brands are united by the Inditex way of doing business.We want to close the loop and go towards a circular economy – develop a complete and efficient cycle of life for our products, in which nothing goes to waste.We use our own and third-party cookies to improve your experience and our services, by analysing browsing on our website.By continuing to browse, we understand that you accept their use. Inditex and IndustriALL to cooperate on garment industry recovery plan Pablo Isla highlights how Inditex is set to continue into the future with its “flexible, integrated and sustainable manner” Inditex 1Q20 sales drop limited to 44% despite up to 88% of stores closed Message from Inditex's executive chairman, Pablo Isla 'Right to Wear is how we do business at every stage – operating in a way that is right for our customers, right for workers, right for communities and right for the environment'.The eight Inditex brands each have a unique personality and exclusive design teams who know their customers inside out. "E lo stesso accade con molti altri mercati dal buon potenziale in tutto il mondo.
Il testo originale del presente annuncio, redatto nella lingua di partenza, è la versione ufficiale che fa fede. Zara chiude 1200 negozi nel mondo e punta sull’e-commerce Da FinanciaLounge - 12.06.2020 16. il gruppo Inditex (proprietario di Zara) chiuderà 1200 negozi: gli effetti della pandemia e la spinta VERSO L’online Con la chiusura temporanea dell’ 88% dei negozi fisici , Inditex ha subito un crollo del 44% delle vendite in-store, nel primo trimestre del 2020 (con una perdita netta di 409 milioni in quel periodo). Con un'unica integrazione nella piattaforma di dLocal, la soluzione consente a ogni commerciante di espandersi immediatamente in tutti e 19 i seguenti mercati emergenti:
We use our own and third-party cookies to improve your experience and our services, by analysing browsing on our website.By continuing to browse, we understand that you accept their use. The owner of Zara will close as many as 1,200 stores around the world as the clothing retailer tries to boost online sales during the chaos wrought by the Covid-19 pandemic.. Inditex said it … Tra i suoi clienti, dLocal annovera Amazon, Avast, Banggood,, Constant Contact, Didi, DropBox, Gearbest, GoDaddy, MailChimp, TripAdvisor, Uber e Wikimedia.

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