Dang, John is so good at this game he managed to equip a non-splatfest shirt in a splatfest.The one splatfest I won't be able to participate in...Looks like you need to aim for at least 2100 for top 100! 4 years ago. Thanks for linking this :D I want to try to get in there now! In hingegen gibt es zwei Arenen, die sich im gewohnten Zyklus von 2 Stunden ändern und eine dritte Arena, welche bei jedem Splatfest einen komplett veränderten Aufbau hat namens Das 11.
A Splatfest (Japanese: フェス Fesu / Fest) was a special event that took place in Splatoon and Splatoon 2. Das Splatfest ist ein besonderes Event in Splatoon und Splatoon 2, in welchem Inklinge aus zwei verschiedenen Teams wählen, die jeweils einer bestimmten Thematik zugeteilt sind. The concept of power level has also been extended in During Splatfest, what was previously the Vibe Meter will now display your Splatfest Power. Das Team mit den meisten und/oder besseren Spielern gewinnt. The second American Splatfest, Roller Coasters versus Water Slides.The third American Splatfest, Marshmallows versus Hot Dogs.The fourth American Splatfest, Autobots versus Decepticons.The seventh American Splatfest, Pirates versus Ninjas.The eighth American Splatfest, Burgers versus Pizza.The eleventh American Splatfest, Pokemon Red vs. Pokemon Blue.The twelfth American Splatfest, Snowman versus Sandcastle.The thirteenth American Splatfest, SpongeBob versus Patrick.The fourteenth American Splatfest, Fancy Party vs. Costume PartyThe fifteenth American Splatfest, Early Birds versus Night Owls.The sixteenth and final American Splatfest, Callie versus Marie.The second European Splatfest, Eating versus Sleeping.The third European Splatfest, North Pole versus South Pole.The fourth European Splatfest, Singing versus Dancing.The seventh European Splatfest, Zombies versus Ghosts.The eighth European Splatfest, Pro-Pineapple vs. Anti-Pineapple (on Pizza)The tenth European Splatfest, Barbarian versus Ninja.The eleventh European Splatfest, Pokemon Red vs. Pokemon Blue.The twelfth European Splatfest, Hoverboard versus Jet Pack.The thirteenth European Splatfest, SpongeBob versus Patrick.The fourteenth European Splatfest, Fancy Party vs. Costume Party.The fifteenth European Splatfest, World Tour vs. Space Adventure.The sixteenth and final European Splatfest, Callie versus Marie.The first Japanese Splatfest as well as first Splatfest, Rice versus Bread.The second Japanese Splatfest, Akai Kitsune Udon versus Green Tanuki Soba.The third Japanese Splatfest, Lemon Tea versus Milk Tea.The fourth Japanese Splatfest, Grasshopper versus Ant.The fifth Japanese Splatfest, Boke versus Tsukkomi.The sixth Japanese Splatfest, Squid Sushi vs Octopus Sushi.The eighth Japanese Splatfest, Landfood vs Seafood.The ninth Japanese Splatfest, Akai Kitsune Udon versus Green Tanuki Soba - Round 2The tenth Japanese Splatfest, Perfect Body versus Perfect Brain.The eleventh Japanese Splatfest, Pokemon Red vs. Pokemon GreenThe twelfth Japanese Splatfest, Go All Out vs. Focus On HealingThe thirteenth Japanese Splatfest, Tuna Mayonnaise vs. Red Salmon OnigirisThe fourteenth Japanese Splatfest, Fancy Party vs. Costume Party.The fifteenth Japanese Splatfest, Mushroom Mountain vs. Bamboo Shoot Village.The sixteenth and final Japanese Splatfest, Callie versus Marie.The American World Premiere Splatfest, Cake versus Ice Cream.The first American Splatfest, Mayonnaise versus Ketchup.The second American Splatfest, Flight versus Invisibility.The third American Splatfest, Vampire versus Werewolf.The fourth American Splatfest, Sci-Fi versus Fantasy.The fifth American Splatfest, Sweater versus Socks.The sixth American Splatfest, Action versus Comedy.The thirteenth American Splatfest, Pulp vs. No-Pulp.The fourteenth American Splatfest, Squid vs. OctopusThe seventeenth American Splatfest, Trick vs. TreatThe eighteenth American Splatfest, Salsa vs. GuacamoleThe nineteenth American Splatfest, Heroes vs. VillainsThe twentieth American Splatfest, Family vs. FriendsThe twenty-first American Splatfest, Pancakes vs. WafflesThe twenty-second American Splatfest, Knights vs. WizardsThe twenty-third American Splatfest, Hare vs. TortoiseThe twenty-fourth American Splatfest, Time Travel vs. TeleporationThe twenty-fifth American Splatfest, Unicorn vs. NarwhalThe twenty-sixth American Splatfest, Chaos vs. OrderThe twenty-seventh NA/OC Splatfest, Mayo vs. Ketchup (May 2020 Rematch)The twenty-eighth NA/OC Splatfest, Chicken vs. Your initial Splatfest Power level depends upon your current Ranked Battle rank, and your Splatfest Power level will change depending on wins or losses during Splatfest Battles.
in Splatoon… Die 100 Spieler mit der höchsten Splatfest-Power werden im Die Auswertung zur Ermittlung des Gewinnerteams läuft in zwei Stufen ab.
Für den Sieg eines Spiels gibt es 3 bis zu 7 Punkte, und je nachdem wie groß der Anteil der eingefärbten Fläche des Spielers ist, zusätzlich 1 (bei mind. Das Splatfest ist ein von den Sea Sirens, bzw. This section lists all Splatoon 2 events and their start times.
As of the October 30, 2015 North American Splatfest, the formula is as follows:
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