compnor star wars

compnor star wars

The four sub-branches are: COMPNOR, which replaced the Galactic Republic's COMPOR, originated as a popular ideological organization, and the Emperor quickly acted to draw it into his sphere of influence—within months of the Declaration of the New Order, the cultural and youth groups had been grafted onto the pre-existing framework of COMPOR. It also dedicated its efforts towards bending the developing generation of youths that would have been the Empire's future. He is also a member of the Imperial High Command. Upon the reunification of the New Imperial Order and the Galactic Empire… The agency's headquarters was at the COMPNOR arcology on Coruscant. From Holocron - Star Wars Combine.

Currently led by The Imperial Security Bureau was created as a means to maintain the secure infrastructure of the Galactic Empire. In order to fulfil this role effectively, an array of sub-branches fall within COMPNOR’s jurisdiction to deal with various spheres of governance and security throughout the Empire. [Source] "One of the Emperor's advisors, one Crueya Vandron, saw the potential wealth of a populist movement which could be molded into a political tool." History Canon. It was reorganized shortly after the end of the Clone Wars and establishment of the Galactic Empire. Machkhit currently serves as Kuat Sector Moff. becous they dont save as GMA files in addons folder. 1 Imperial Army; 2 Imperial Navy; 3 Regional Government; 4 COMPNOR; 5 Imperial Security Bureau; 6 Ministry of Industry; 7 Imperial Intelligence; 8 Rank Chart; 9 See also; 10 Holonet links; Imperial Army. Star Wars: Galactic Empire - Navy At its outset COMPNOR housed all the arms of the Empire that fell outside the traditional military arms of the COMPNOR is managed by the Select Committee, headed by the Chairman of COMPNOR.

When in 19 BBY, Sheev Palpatine, then Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, proclaimed himself Emperor of the First Galactic Empire, one of Palpatine's first acts was to reshuffle the political apparatus, reforming the Republic-era COMPOR into COMPNOR. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date.Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Subscribe.

Jump to: navigation, search. It was originally formed as the Commission for the Protection of the Republic, a populist movement that supported the Galactic Republic until Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine became the Galactic Emperor by the end of the Clone Wars in 19 BBY. — Voren Na'al The Commission for the Preservation of the New Order, better known as COMPNOR, was an umbrella organization for various entities that were designed to maintain support for Emperor Palpatine's New Order. Star Wars: Galactic Empire - COMPNOR.

It might take a couple months though, same with getting my new rig since its expensive as hell. Imperial Navy Page; SNPCs are now the new focus as these packs are resources for them.

Over the course of Palpatine's reign, COMPNOR served as a political tool for the dissemination of state-sponsored propaganda throughout the Empire. By 14 BBY, Armand Isard was the director of COMPNOR. Star Wars: Galactic Empire - Stormtroopers The Commission for the Preservation of the New Order was a Galactic Empire government agency responsible for the promotion of New Order ideology. COMPNOR was the largest entity of the Imperial bureaucracy, and influenced many aspects of Imperial life, including the Sub-bureau of COMPNOR, responsible for monitoring the cultural achievements of the Empire and overseeing the operations of its numerous sub-divisions. Please see the This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator.This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins.This item requires all of the following other items These departments could also be described as the wheels that made everyday life function in the Empire.

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