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Sylas Fiora Kassadin Zac's abilities cost 4% current health while chunks restore 4% maximum health Guardian Angel Guardian Angel and Chronoshift Chronoshift will take precedence over Cell Division. Lux

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Taliyah As mentioned below, you can build Locket of the Iron Solari for games like this. Karma Urgot Ornn Trundle

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Zac … Nasus

If he auto attacks another …

SEASON 10.16 UPDATED In-Depth Zac Jungle Guide To Help Clim[10.17] S10 Chall | How To Catapult Urself To Challenger[10.15] Let's Boogie! Nocturne Zac This means using your CC abilities (which is 3 out of 4, dang Zac is OP) whenever enemies try to attack your carry.

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