Every donation helps us to improve your Otherwise, you will get an error message that the modification files are missing when you try to connect to a ProMods server.Select the preferred option how you want to download ProMods. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The following is a step-by-step guide on how to install the ProMods modification, in order to be able to play on the ProMods server. ProMods Store EU: Starta 1, 2nd bldg., 3rd fl., Riga, Latvia LV-1026 ProMods Store USA: 11025 Westlake Drive, Charlotte, NC 28273 store@promods.net +64 21 105 4777 (NZ) Fix for the road connection between RusMap 2.0 and ProMods 2.45 If you like our work and want to help support our game servers, website or domain, please consider becoming a Patron or donating. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
Description: Update for RusMap 2.1.1 Road connection RusMap_2.1.1 – ProMods_2.46 To run this modification, you need Going East!, Scandinavia, DLC Vive la France!, Italia, Beyond the Baltic Sea and dlc_balkan_e. experience on our platform. Please note, it might take some time to get past the loading screen.
The game data folder is usually in Documents unless you specified otherwise in the launch options.Keep in mind that TruckersMP has an own manager of modifications and thus, you will not see ProMods in the Mods Manager in-game.Run the TruckersMP launcher, select the option to launch ETS2 and chose for the ProMods server. 51K likes.
The following is a step-by-step guide on how to install the ProMods modification, in order to be able to play on the ProMods server.If you played ProMods in the singleplayer before, you are not required to do anything with an exception for making sure you have the newest version. You must click on “Load Anyway” and ProMods will start correctlyIf you select the ProMods server, but are getting an error, you will have to read this error and fix it. DOWNLOAD ONLY at https://promods.download Furthermore, World Of Trucks jobs may not work properly in ProMods.
The paid (fast) option will make you able to download the full mod in one archive, at a higher speed than the free (slow) option. In case you are unable to fix the error, feel free to contact our support team at Please remember that the redistribution of ProMods files is not allowed! You can find more information about extracting files Once you have all ProMods files on your system, head to the mod folder in your Euro Truck Simulator 2 directory, and move all files into this directory. Furthermore, it is against our ProMods. ETS2 will show you a "Missing modifications detected" warning.
Every donation helps us to improve your experience on our platform. This is software piracy and a criminal offense. If you chose the slow option, you will have to download all files one by one.Make sure to extract the downloaded files. If you like our work and want to help support our game servers, website or domain, Download Promods 2.45 + Rusmap V2.0 Road Connection [1.36] mod. please consider becoming a Patron or donating. Important: You need to own all DLCs listed here in order to play ProMods!
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