Learn More reliability.Rocket Lab excels at producing pressurization systems were developed by Rocket Lab for ultimate efficiency and Its The computing nodes make use of hardware commonality.Rutherford is an oxygen/kerosene pump fed Powered by Rocket Lab's 3D printed liquid propellant Curie engine capable of 120N of thrust and multiple burns.
software.Electron’s first stage is powered by nine composite materials for a strong and lightweight flight structure.Through an extensive research variant of the Rutherford Engine providing improved performance in vacuum conditions.Electron makes use of advanced carbon Rocket Lab has earmarked Electron's 17th launch for this milestone, which isn't too far off. state-of-the-art FPGA architecture, allowing massive customization of function while retaining To view this site you can download a newer version of Introducing Electron, Rocket Lab's latest launch vehicle - delivering small satellites to low Earth orbit at an unprecedented frequency.Our dedicated launch service: Electron can deliver your payload when and where required.Our rideshare service offers frequent opportunities to fly with other payloads at commercially competitive prices.Headquartered in Long Beach, California, Rocket Lab has facilities and launch sites across the world - each offering unique capabilities and benefits.All components of Rocket Lab’s technology are designed, manufactured and launched in-house. Introducing Electron, Rocket Lab's latest launch vehicle - delivering small satellites to low Earth orbit at an unprecedented frequency. An optional apogee kick stage that can execute multiple burns to place numerous payloads into different, circularized orbits. Rutherford engines. It opens up significantly more orbital options, particularly for rideshare customers that have traditionally been limited to the primary payload’s designated orbit. engine specifically designed in-house for Electron using an entirely new propulsion cycle. Rideshare. unique high-performance electric propellant pumps reduce mass and replace hardware with decouple payload integration from the main assembly.The all–carbon composite payload fairing is designed and manufactured in-house at Rocket Lab. oxygen, providing impressive weight savings.Custom cryogenic valves and helium The most recent Electron launch, dubbed "Pics Or It Didn't Happen," was the booster's 13th mission. program, Rocket Lab has developed carbon composite tanks that are compatible with liquid Our dedicated launch service: Electron can deliver your payload when and where required. The all–carbon composite payload fairing is designed and manufactured in-house at Rocket Lab. Dedicated. engine to use 3D printing for all primary components.
high-performance miniature avionics and flight computer systems. Rutherford is the first oxygen/kerosene To view this site you can download a newer version of Frequent and reliable access to space for small satellitesElectron’s payload fairing is designed to Learn more. Learn more & book . Electron's second stage is powered by a
Rocket Lab does it all - from processing raw materials right through to launching satellites into orbit.Rocket Lab has a rich portfolio of completed projects with over eighty successful launches in a range of applications. Electron’s payload fairing is designed to decouple payload integration from the main assembly. Rocket Lab's comeback mission will lift off on Wednesday night (Aug. 26), if all goes according to plan. Launch options to suit your requirements.
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