All in, the company has raised more than US $4B! We provide a combination of tools to recognize potential entry and exit points for Norwegian from various momentum indicators to cycle indicators. View also Most technical analysis of Norwegian stock help investors determine whether a current trend will continue and, if not, when it will shift. Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd NCLH Morningstar Rating Rating as of Aug 21, 2020. The 1-year high price for the company’s stock is recorded $59.78 on 01/17/20, with the lowest value was $7.03 for the same time period, recorded on 03/18/20.Price records that include history of low and high prices in the period of 52 weeks can tell a lot about the stock’s existing status and the future performance.
Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. (NYSE:NCLH) traded at $13.06 at last check on Monday, Aug 03, making a downturn move of -4.25% on its previous day’s price. In the last 20 days, the company’s Stochastic %K was 71.35% and its Stochastic %D was recorded 72.04%.Let’s take a glance in the erstwhile performances of Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd., multiple moving trends are noted. Fundamental Analysis: What Norwegian Cruise Line has done to adapt to unforeseen circumstances in only 10 weeks is impressive. The Stock rose vividly during the last session to $16.37 after opening rate of $15.21 while the lowest price it went was recorded $15.0639 before closing at $15.20.Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. had a pretty Dodgy run when it comes to the market performance. Long term - Just hold. Norwegian Cruise Line Analysen: Hier finden Sie die Analysen-Seite für den Wert Norwegian Cruise Line Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd NCLH Morningstar Rating Rating as of Aug 21, 2020. See Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings (NCLH) stock analyst estimates, including earnings and revenue, EPS, upgrades and downgrades. The data shows that short shares as of July 14, 2020, stood at 51.1 Million at a short ratio of 0.95. Source: Norwegian Cruise Line 2Q20 Earnings Presentation. At the time of this writing, the total market value of the company is set at 4.21B, as it employees total of 36000 workers.During the last month, 8 analysts gave the Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. a BUY rating, 1 of the polled analysts branded the stock as an OVERWEIGHT, 9 analysts were recommending to HOLD this stock, 0 of them gave the stock UNDERWEIGHT rating, and 1 of the polled analysts provided SELL rating.According to the data provided on, the moving average of the company in the 100-day period was set at 14.71, with a change in the price was noted +3.67. Shares short rose in July from the previous month at 44.69 Million. Macroaxis helps investors of all levels and skills to maximize the upside of all their holdings and minimize the risk Debt to Equity thus makes a valuable metrics that describes the debt, company is using in order to support assets, correlating with the value of shareholders’ equity The total Debt to Equity ratio for NCLH is recording 2.39 at the time of this writing. Kursinformationen von SIX Financial Information. In terms of its 52-week price range, NCLH has a high of $59.78 and a low of $7.03. The company’s stock has gained about -18.22% over that past 30 days.Norwegian has a market cap of $3.48 Billion and is expected to release its quarterly earnings report on Aug 06, 2020- Aug 10, 2020. Zeitraum Kursveränderung % Intraday: 0,00 %: 10 …
Er übernimmt die ETF-Auswahl, ist steuersmart, transparent und kostengünstig.Für die aufgeführten Inhalte kann keine Gewährleistung für die Vollständigkeit, Richtigkeit und Genauigkeit übernommen werden. Let’s start up with the current stock price of Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. (NCLH), which is $15.68 to be very precise. Prices are moving in a sideway trend and there are not a lot of signal for a short or long term investment Carnival, Norwegian Cruise Line, Royal Caribbean Cruises — Shares of cruise lines rose on Wednesday after data showed Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine produced a “robust” immune response. Presently, Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. shares are logging -73.77% during the 52-week period from high price, and 123.04% higher than the lowest price point for the same timeframe.