Depending on how fed he is in the game will represent his presence, dealing with him mid-late game is a breeze if you peel for your carries.His fear & silence is his only way of combating you, once those abilities are down you have a variety of options.He can get pretty tanky after a while, however the downside to that on his end is that it's only health. Her unborrows and engages can catch your team out of position so be very mindful of where she is.Grab a dead man's plate and a devourer and you'll be able to fight him early on; pick up a cinderhulk and frozen heart if your carries have the damage potential to kill him.Can be detrimental if the enemy Rengar gets fed, you will be forced to build tank and make sure to prevent your team from dying.As long as your backline doesn't get iced you'll be fine.Annoying to deal with, stay healthy and split a lane to direct attention to yourself. We've used our extensive database of League of Legends stats along with proprietary algorithms to calculate the most optimal Top Lane build for Jax. You outscale him late game.He can focus you down pretty hard if you get hit by his ultimate/fear.Tough to beat, fortunately your final build will result in you becoming tankier than him, be sure to stay ahead and not focus on him until it's time to teamfight. If he gets ahead, which he most likely will you will have a tough time fending of vs. him. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker!
Item build order, starting item build order, LoL Tier List ranking, recent champion and item patch notes, reforged runes, and more! This algorithm is able to determine the best summoner spells, item build order, skill order, runes reforged, rune stats, counters, and team mates. Jax is most dominant in the late game, with a 53.3% win rate in the late game, as opposed to a 49.7% win rate overall. Prioritize completing Enchantment: Cinderhulk early in your Jax build, as players who had this item completed in their build had the highest win rates.
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Also pay attention to when she flies in, you have easy opportunities to stun her, you can peel the dragon off. Main Item: Manamune, Iceborn, Abysl Mask, Frozen Heart Boots(Mr/A) Optonial: Death Dance, Spirit Visage, Thornmail, Botrk. If he tends to be a threat to your laners be sure to catch him while he's diving them.If played properly you can use your Q (Leap Strike) to dodge his Q>E combo in order to avoid getting CC'd. When he jumps in that's your chance to jump as well, you can also hop out of his ultimate whenever you want.Being isolated early on vs this bug is a no go.