Before leaving, she told Claire she would help her raise Aaron, although we never learn what sort of co-parenting situation they eventually worked out, or whether Kate suffered any legal consequences for breaking her parole.On the island, after pursuing Kate romantically for the first few seasons, Sawyer gave up his chance to escape the island in order to allow Kate and the rest of the Oceanic Six to leave. So in a way, Desmond caused the crash of Flight 815, but considering that Jacob was the one who brought Desmond to the island, arranged the circumstances that required him to push the button, and carefully selected the passengers on the flight, the electromagnetic surge and the subsequent plane crash were all part of his plan.Ultimately, of course, all of the Oceanic 815 survivors wound up reconnecting in the afterlife in the final episode of Jack may have died in the final episode, bleeding to death of stab wounds inflicted by the Man in Black, but he made some hugely significant actions in his final hours. Por lo general, cada episodio narra una … Hurley considers this, then asks Ben if he'll consider staying on as his second-in-command, to which Ben responds that he'd be honored.
Zu Beginn der sechsten Staffel von "Lost" hat SPIEGEL ONLINE die zehn wichtigsten offenen Fragen der Serie aufgelistet.
While DHARMA conducted research across all fields (including studies involving polar bears), attempting to uncover the island's secrets, they never fully understood what they were dealing with when it came to the supernatural Heart of the Island. Throughout the series, we see that many of the characters on the show have some sort of connection before ever boarding the plane, implying that they were always predestined to board the same doomed flight and end up on the island together. After Jack leaves to restore the Heart, Ben also suggests to Hurley that he doesn't have to "protect" the island in the same way that Jacob did, and that maybe Hurley will find a better way. Lost - Series 1 & 2 - Complete [DVD] [2005] AS SOMEONE LIKE SO MANY OTHER DEVOTED LOST "fANS" i really could not wait for the DVD release. And sure, their presence raises some interesting questions, but it doesn't take away from Without the fateful crash of Oceanic flight 815 in the pilot episode, there would've been no Many factors contributed to the crash of Oceanic 815, most of which had been manipulated by Jacob, from the DHARMA Initiative building the Swan station in the first place to the careful arranging of circumstances that led to DHARMA's eventual departure from the island. There are also a good number of deaths that are left up to our imaginations. They were merely manifestations of something the Oceanic survivors needed in order to move on. Kate, Rose (L. Scott Caldwell), Bernard (Sam Anderson), Sawyer, Desmond, Penny (Sonya Walger), and Claire all survive the finale, and presumably die at some point in the years afterward. Die Zahlen bringen Hurley nach Australien und dort begegnet er der Frau eines Ex-Navy-Soldaten, der vor vielen Jahren mit eben jenem Leonard Sims gedient hat, wo er über Funkwellen die Stimme einer Frau vernahm, die immer wieder die Zahlenfolge 4 8 15 16 23 42 wiederholte. However, after Juliet was killed in their attempts to prevent the "Incident" and Sawyer was transported back to 2007, he became determined to leave the island by any means necessary. And as the new protectors of the island, Hurley (Jorge Garcia) and Ben likely outlive the other survivors by quite a wide margin, but at some point, they must eventually die as well.
After Jack is appointed as Jacob's successor as protector of the island, he promptly gets into a knife fight with the Man in Black, where he's mortally wounded.
Desmond was able to fix it, but not before the system unleashed an immense electromagnetic charge, which in turn caused Oceanic 815 to break apart while passing over the island. Die Zahlen 4 8 15 16 23 42 sind nur eines der Mysterien der TV-Serie „Lost“, die auch sieben Jahre nach ihrem Ende immer wieder neue Fans findet, die die Rätsel der Insel entschlüsseln wollen. The only thing they all had in common was that none of the characters in the flash-sideways died during the plane crash. z.B. eine Provision vom Händler, Aber unabhängig davon ist der Einfluss der Serie auch eine Dekade später noch zu spüren.
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