lime scooter marketing

lime scooter marketing

November 20, 2019 by Kristina Monllos Lime is taking a local approach to pitch its scooters to commuters. The work aimed to show that LA audience that using a scooter could help you connect more with your local community rather than feel isolated in a car.In recent years, scooters have blanketed U.S. cities as tech companies like Spin, Bird and Lime battle “One global campaign can’t work everywhere because every city has different eccentricities and a different culture,” said Stacey Kawahata, global content and brand director for Lime. Most recently, Lime worked with Los Angeles-based agency Doubleday & Cartwright to tailor its LA campaign to its LA target audience. Unlock your ride and your city with Lime. “[With marketing,] rather than be top down, we’re going bottom up. “Instead of buying a mass blanket of OOH, we knew that this corner is where our demographic walks around, so let’s make sure we have OOH on this corner. In Germany, we did wild postings — we did some in LA, but these were more grassroots — which can get in the crevices of the cities and closer to where people are living.”For the LA campaign, which debuted earlier this month, the company “handpicked every single OOH placement because we knew that even Hollywood is very different from downtown,” said Kawahata. Findings illustrate the importance of contextual nuance when it comes to leveraging video viewing for marketing […]In recent weeks some holding company agencies have started to open their offices or announced plans to open up their offices in the coming weeks. Through the equitable distribution of shared scooters, bikes and transit vehicles, we aim to reduce dependence on personal automobiles for short distance transportation and leave future generations with a cleaner, healthier planet.

Kawahata said that for the LA work the company spent a higher percentage of its budget on OOH but overall it broke up the budget nearly even between OOH, digital ads, editorial partnerships, events and a zine.Using a local strategy has led the company to work with agencies on a project-basis rather than use an agency of record.

If Microsoft succeeds in buying TikTok, its involvement in the platform's ad business should be limited to developing its back-end reporting, say agency executives.By Bryon Schafer With multicultural advertising’s undeniable importance to brand marketers, Vevo, MAGNA and the IPG Media Lab partnered on research designed to explore approaches to video viewing among Asian, Black/African American and Hispanic/Latino consumers in the United States. Lime had just rolled out its e-scooter rental program and the city's inner city was buzzing with the white and green machines. “An understanding of this from a local level is pivotal to convincing the public of the viability of last-mile transportation like Lime and Bird scooters. Lime is founded on a simple idea that all communities deserve access to smart, affordable mobility. And the brand marketing needs to reflect this in the kinds of hyperlocal ways that’s really hard for anyone other than a local agency to really capitalize on.”“The only downside is one of cost-efficiency lost by not having one agency,” added Nelson. “The small-size, on-demand nature of the Lime brand really lends itself to blending into — while also enabling — a very local and personalized relationship with one’s community. Lime is founded on a simple idea that all communities deserve access to smart, affordable mobility.Through the equitable distribution of shared scooters, bikes and transit vehicles, we aim to reduce dependence on personal automobiles for short distance transportation and leave future generations with a cleaner, healthier planet.Lime connects riders to the people and places that matter most, bringing cities together and empowering better urban living.Our diverse workforce is committed to delivering a safe, sustainable micro-mobility experience in every city we serve.We hire locally and partner with neighborhood organizations to cultivate community growth and improve urban living.Our drive to lead micro-mobility into the future puts Lime on the cutting edge of clean, accessible urban transportation.We believe in transparency and accountability, and strive to deliver the best customer experience every day.Join our mailing list and be the first to know about how Lime is reimagining urban mobility.

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lime scooter marketing 2020