wot german td line

wot german td line

The Grille 15 has the perfect combo of mobility and firepower of tier 10 tank destroyers.Its 15 cm gun is pint point accurate, hits hard at 750 damage, and has excellent DPM. This tank again does not sport overwhelming armor and learning how to angle your tank slightly will do wonders against tier 6 and under tanks. Starting off you will want to grab that top gun(no need for the turret yet) and then go for the engine/tracks/turret. Upgraded the gun holds it owns but struggles against higher tiers that have armor.Tier 6 is much of the same with the JagdPz IV which like the Stug you’ll want to research the top gun before moving into it. It doesn’t shine in any specific area but it makes up for it by not having any glaring weaknesses.

While you might lack damage per minute compared to other tier 10 medium tanks you make up for it with your armor/ramming ability.The initial stock grind is a tad brutal on the Stug III G until you upgrade the gun. Post-War Bundeswehr tanks however follow an entirely different philosophy, favoring maneuverable, versatile platforms with balanced guns, in exchange for completely negligible armor protection.

You carry over several things from the previous tank. The VK 100.01 P has a ton of armor for a tier 8 heavy tank and the size to go along with it. The E-75 has arguably the best chassis for armor on a heavy tank in the game and it’s not even a tier 10.

This tank starts off slow like a lot of German tanks but the end result is a capable tier 5 tank.Starting off the E-100 heavy line at tier 6 is the VK 36.01 H which was formerly a medium tank but was reclassified as a heavy.

Laundry Room Edition | Gamescom | Steel Hunter Favorite TankWoT’s New!?! While the SP I C isn’t the fastest light tank around its extremely compact size helps cover that up. This tank pays greatly for being a low tier heavy and is limited to tier 5 maximum(unlike tier 6 for other tier 4’s) for a reason.There are two tier 4 German Collector SPGS. Object 780 & Sheriff RiggingWoT’s New!?!

However, once you upgrade to the upgraded 10.5 cm guns(the top gun with the added accuracy is a blessing) you will be rewarded for all your trouble.The main downsides of this tank is it’s paper thin sides/rear and the lower glacis plate. The Wespe provides 10 more damage per shot and much better accuracy compared to the Bison. The E-100 gains a lot of armor protection over most of the tank which will protect it against anything thrown at it while angled(and even non-direct artillery hits). III E is very mobile with it’s engine upgrades and the top 2 cm gun is very fun to play with. Currently the 5cm top gun is the only viable gun available to use. This tank is not very forgiving due to it being primarily a dedicated scout/harasser tank and this makes it difficult for newer players to have fun in it.The PZ. Like previous proto-Maus tanks your speed is your limiting factors along with slightly poor gun handling. If you learn how to hide your lower glacis while preventing yourself from being flanked your armor is superb considering the top gun you also mount. The Leopard PTA is a pure shoot, scoot, and support medium tank. Your armor is great against tier 8 or under tanks.

onto a very weak chassis.Like it’s predecessors it’s armor and hardiness is very poor leading it to be very careful of it’s movements. 35 (t) which is nothing spectacular.

This tank requires some level of support and trying to venture off on your own in a battle in it unless you can back yourself into corner usually ends in failure.At tier 6 the Nashorn suffers the same fate of not having the previous upgraded guns carry over. Even though the Panther is more suited for long range fighting it performs very well for its tier.

Outside of having a little less DPM(roughly 100-250 versus other tier 10 mediums) the Leopard 1 can rack up damage easier than most mediums. I C is very fragile even when upgraded but is very agile and zips around on any terrain.

A properly angled E-75 can eat most tier 10 shells.Once you unlock the top gun you gain the punch the E-75 deserves and just sweetens the pot since you can now soak up damage and dish it out. For comparison the Sp I C up next only weighs 9.77 tons.The tier 7 Spähpanzer SP I C is a zippy small light tank with a great 90mm gun. !WoT’s New?! 38H 735 (f) 35 (t) III.

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wot german td line 2020