Up to date, approved and regulated prescribing and patient information for licensed medicinesActive ingredients/generics: elexacaftor, tezacaftor , ivacaftorActive ingredients/generics: prochlorperazine maleate Active ingredients/generics: epirubicin hydrochlorideActive ingredients/generics: idarubicin hydrochlorideActive ingredients/generics: idarubicin hydrochlorideActive ingredients/generics: disodium clodronate tetrahydrateActive ingredients/generics: simeticone, dicycloverine hydrochloride, aluminium hydroxide, light magnesium oxideFind the latest NHS prices, pack sizes and manufacturers on the NHS dictionary of medicines and devices (X-PILs are Patient Information Leaflets (PILs) that have been specifically created for people with sight problems. Het EMA-gebouw biedt onderdak aan het Europees Geneesmiddelen Agentschap. If you already have an active account for any EMA-hosted website or online application, you should use the same credentials to log in.
The most up to date, comprehensive, regulated information about medicines. Browse for medicines by brand or trade name beginning with A Werken voor en met de EU Naast werkplekken voor 900 medewerkers komen er conferentieruimten in het gebouw. The United Kingdom (UK) withdrew from the European Union (EU) on 31 January 2020 and is no longer an EU Member State. Geef ons feedback over deze website of meld een probleem The Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC or SmPC) is a specific document required within the European Commission before any medicinal product or biocidal product is authorised for marketing.ABDA DATABASE GERMAN SMPC DRUG DICTIONARY. The content of the database is provided by the National Competent Authorities (NCA) of the EEA. De meeste echt innovatieve geneesmiddelen die in Europa op de markt worden gebracht, worden via de Het Geneesmiddelenbureau kwijt zich van deze taken door:De werkzaamheden van de EMA dienen de belangen van:Met zijn wetenschappelijke richtsnoeren, adviezen en stimulansen bevordert het EMA het onderzoek naar en de ontwikkeling van nieuwe geneesmiddelen. EU-instellingen, organen en agentschappen Instellingen en organen: contact en bezoeken Updated on 20/12/18: EMA has temporarily suspended the publication of clinical data until further notice, as a result of the implementation of the third phase of its business continuity plan to … Start typing to retrieve search suggestions. Die vergunning wordt afgegeven door de Europese Commissie. Documenten, verslagen en statistieken The European Medicines Agency (EMA) maintains a public list containing details on European experts who can be involved in the Agency's work in the context of the authorisation, supervision and maintenance of medicinal products for human or veterinary use.. If you do not already have an EMA account, you need to create an EMA account and request the specific SPOR user roles you require. This complements information on medicines published on EMA's website, which only includes medicines EMA evaluates. Bibliotheken en archieven Continue typing to refine. An SmPC is always written in a standard format, which is explained in our glossary. For help on how to get the results you want, see our Apply European public assessment reports (EPAR) filter Apply Periodic safety update report single assessments filter Apply Direct healthcare professional communication filter Het Europees Geneesmiddelenbureau (EMA) zet zich in voor de gezondheid van mens en dier door de evaluatie van en het toezicht op geneesmiddelen in de Europese Unie (EU) en de Europese Economische Ruimte (EER).Het Geneesmiddelenbureau is belast met de goedkeuring van en het toezicht op geneesmiddelen in de EU. This content applies to human and veterinary medicines.
Het EMA gaat onafhankelijk, in alle openheid en transparant te werk. Daardoor kan de vooruitgang in de medische wetenschap worden vertaald in geneesmiddelen die aantoonbare voordelen opleveren voor de gezondheid van patiënten. Wetgeving en jurisprudentie Results users can: Create, update, validate and post result data sets, and load summary attachments to the EudraCT database.
Result-related information. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has compiled a list of national medicine registers in the different Member States of the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA).
Where available, they can be found on the Patient Leaflet tab for a medicine.
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