Buying menu: create an offer to buy and set a price That’s why it launches as you enter the system.Checking for updates does not use any additional system resources.No, the app is designed to only check for updates for War Thunder, Crossout and other Gaijin games (in development). You can preview the appearance of certain items by selecting “View.” This will allow you to evaluate them before using them.
GJN earned at the Market or obtained in any other way can be spent on items not only at the Market, but also at the War Thunder Store. You cannot use identical unique items such as premium vehicles, the same camouflage, etc.
Using GJN at the War Thunder store.
Gaijin Support; War Thunder War Thunder. © 2010—2020 by Gaijin Entertainment.
To do this, just select “Pay from GJN balance” as your payment method. Your item will be sold instantly if there are offers to buy it for your price or higher.
Camouflage purchased at the Market is applied to the vehicle and linked to it forever.
An app that checks for updates for War Thunder, Crossout and other Gaijin games (in development) and automatically updates the game to the latest version. 1.Click on the wallet icon and select “Add funds.” Select the item you want and press the “Buy/Sell” button to go to the item’s page. Why did we make Gaijin.Net Updater? These items can be found in your inventory along with your other items.
Not all in-game items can be bought and sold at the Market, but the ones that can be bought and sold are displayed in the “Inventory” section of the Market and marked with a special icon (G).
3.Once payment is complete the GJN will be added to your Market wallet.
Технические вопросы. Ошибка 8222000B: Fatal sockets initialization error
You can also start the launcher by clicking on the icon in the taskbar. Features:
If you try to do this, the game will notify you about it.
Coupons are exchanged for vehicles for the player, and not the other way around, and so forth. If you have any technical problems or account issues regarding War Thunder, please, contact our Customer Support team: Join us More than 20,000,000 gamers
You can open the Market page from the hangar interface by following the path “Store” → “Market” or by opening its page directly in your browser at If you click on an item you will be taken to a page containing a more comprehensive description of it, as well as important buying and selling information: All rights reserved.
in your account (i.e. It is ready to play.To install the app, go to Launcher Settings in War Thunder or Crossout and check the box next to “Auto updates”.needs to be always running so it can learn about updates as soon as they are released.
For example, you can buy Golden Eagles with GJN. Gaijin.Net Updater is uninstalled along with the base game.An app that checks for updates for War Thunder, Crossout and other Gaijin games (in development) and automatically updates the game to the latest version.
you can’t use the same item over again).
Then press the “Sell” button, set the desired price, confirm your acceptance of the User Agreement, and press the “Sell” button again.
Items are bought and sold using a special currency called Gaijin Coins that can be earned by selling items at the Market or simply purchased.
Otherwise it will be put up for sale.
If the seller is offering an item for a price that does not exceed any offers to purchase, the sale will take place immediately. Jump to: В War Thunder вы можете опробовать сотни реально существовавших моделей самолетов, ударных вертолетов, наземной техники и военных кораблей в самых … Selling menu: create an offer to sell, set a price, and find information about the fee It has no other features.Deselect “Autoupdate” in Launcher Settings in War Thunder and Crossout and the app will be instantly disabled. Using an item is an irreversible process.
These items can only be sold at the Market. The Market is a place where players can buy and sell various in-game items. You can also start the launcher by clicking on the icon in the taskbar.Imagine that you come home, launch War Thunder or Crossout and start playing right away.
For example, you can buy Golden Eagles with GJN. To do this, just select “Pay from GJN balance” as your payment method.
You can track and manage your item by going to “Offers” → “Offers to sell.” Once the item is sold, information about this will be stored in the “Offer history” section.
GJN earned at the Market or obtained in any other way can be spent on items not only at the Market, but also at the War Thunder Store. "Offers" section: items put up for sale and offers to purchase them 2.This will take you to a screen where you can select the exact number of GJN you want to buy and your method of payment. You can find them by going to “Store” → “Inventory.” Select an item and click on “Use” to use it on your account. The simplest and most convenient way to get an item you want at the Market is to buy Gaijin Coins. An important feature of the Market is that players buy and sell items without an intermediary, which means that market rules are in force here – buyers and sellers determine supply, demand, and pricing themselves, and items can even run out.
The game has already been updated automatically.
All items that can be bought or sold at the Market are displayed in the game and can be used in your War Thunder account. War Thunder is a free-to-play, cross-platform, massively multiplayer military masterpiece for PC, PS4, Mac, Linux and Android with millions of fans worldwide, that allows players to fight their way across Land, Air and Sea with access to more than 750 historically accurate planes and armored vehicles from WWII and Cold War Era. You don’t need to wait for an update to download!
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