eddie thawne

eddie thawne

Eddie also found it difficult to make friends.At some point, Eddie became a police detective with the Detective West received a call that there was a situation at the Eddie was present with various other police members at the scene of a robbery. This strained their relationship, as Iris didn't think Eddie should hide anything from her.

After unintentionally implying that Eddie arrived on to the scene of the murders of the Darbinyan crime family. He's finally rescued when the others realize he's in Star Labs and they hear him yelling for help. Labs for "Lightning Psychosis".With Joe's support, Barry reveals himself as the Flash to Eddie in an effort to convince him to help protect Iris from investigating While having the Flash assist his arrests makes his job in apprehending criminals easier, Eddie struggles to keep Barry's secret with Iris, believing Iris deserved to know, but Joe told him to keep it from Iris. While eating at a restaurant with Iris, Barry, Though imprisoned, Eddie confidently believed that Eobard would fail against Team Flash. A distinguished member within his own family, his first name \"Eobard\" is apparently even more distinguished. Following their encounter, Iris met Eddie at the police precinct, claiming they needed to talk. When questioning Joe's resolve to investigate Harrison Wells, only to have Joe be determined to do so, Eddie smiled, seemingly thrilled to help Joe. Yet Iris' relationship with Eddie sometimes makes Joe wary. He reveals that he’s Eobard Thawne, but doesn’t tell Eddie exactly how they’re related. He was also proven to have a laid back personality when the man asked if he would let him get back on top of the building after the Flash put him safely on the bottom only for Eddie to reply no in a comical manner. Eddie claimed to have been looking for Joe and suggested that they go back to the crime scene to re-canvass, to "always work the case", as Joe had proudly taught him. Contents[show] History Origin Eddie Thawne Born Edward Thawne was a Detective of Central City Police Department and was the Current Partner of Joe West.
However to restore the timeline Barry was forced to let Eobard travel back and correct his mistakes. However, the time capsule also contained an atomic clock, and to prevent a nuclear explosion, Flash pursued and defeated Zoom, hoping he knew where the clock was. One day Barry experienced a mid-day vision of himself and Ronnie defeating Captain Cold and Heat Wave; after their skirmish, he was praised for his efforts by everyone, Eddie included.
Sometime later, Eddie came to visit Iris, under the impression that Joe had gone out. He's seen as a bit smug and too eager, but becomes Joe West's partner after Joe's old partner is killed. Having turned himself into a speedster, Thawne travels through time in order to spend time with his idol, by ruining Barry's life until he learns to appreciate him. Rather than fix the timeline Eobard's actions caused yet another new timeline where his existence remains, through specific events from the original timeline still remain intact leaving Eddie's fate in question.

That night, Eddie was called by Barry whom he told Joe's location to: Iron Heights Prison, visiting his dad. Iris is devastated, and calls him her hero, and he tells her that that's all he ever wanted to be. Though the imprisoned Eddie tried telling his future family member that he would fail and Flash's team would stop them, Eobard revealed Eddie's fate in the future.

While The Flash doesn’t beat out Superman or Wonder Woman, he still remains one of DC’s most popular superheroes. Eddie Thawne is Detective Joe West's partner in the Central City Police Department.

Disillusioned from his time with Eobard, Eddie is confronted by Iris about his proposal, he revealed that Iris marries Barry in the future and left. Later when Eddie and Iris were driving back to his apartment they began to fight about the Flash and Iris confessed to having met the Flash a few times which Eddie felt outraged about, but the Flash himself abruptly took Eddie from the car and started beating him down in the street (as at the time the Flash was manipulated by the After seeing Iris's Christmas present from Barry, her mother's wedding ring, Eddie suspected Barry harbored feelings for Iris though she denied it as Eddie gave Iris a present himself; a key to his apartment to move in with him which she accepted.

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eddie thawne 2020