Hiking, Bicycle Rentals, Mountain Climbing, Paragliding, Tennis and Golf are just some of the fun activities which can be experienced with us. The state-of-the-art cultural and congress center offer a variety of events, ranging from theatrical performances to exclusive New Year's Concerts, from traditional evenings to jazz concerts, from cabarets to the slide shows. No matter if you visit us during summer time, or in the winter – you will create lasting memories. In winter, St. Johann in Salzburg is part of Snow Space Salzburg and the first entry point for skiers and snowboarders in the "Salzburger Sportwelt" … Sankt Johann im Pongau is het meest westelijk gelegen oord van de Salzburger Sportwelt. On 24 June 2000 St. Johann completed the Stadtserhebung process and received official city privileges from the Austrian government. Anfahrt Auto: Parkplätze neben & hinterm Gebäude Zug: 10 … Nach dem Besuch der HAK bist du für dein Berufsleben bestens gerüstet. Josef Lienbacher E: T: +43 6412 21192 Öffnungszeiten Wenn Coworker anwesend sind, rund um die Uhr. There were also 19 quakes below magnitude 2.0 which people don't normally feel. Telefon: 06412/200 20 E-Mail: shop@redzac-kappacher.at ... die Sie ihnen bereitgestellt haben oder die sie im Rahmen Ihrer Nutzung der Dienste gesammelt haben. The municipal area comprises the cadastral communities of Ginau, Hallmoos, Maschl, Einöden, Plankenau, Reinbach, Rettenstein, St. Johann, and Urreiting. Bio-Bauernhof in St. Johann Bauernhofurlaub im Pongau. The ski bus makes three stops in Salzburg city and then picks the skiers back up in the afternoon at 4pm from the bottom station of Spacejet. Bezirkshauptmannschaft St. Johann im Pongau Hauptstraße 1 5600 St. Johann im Pongau Tel. Das Hotel in St. Johann im Pongau wird von uns, Ihrer Gastgeberfamilie Viehhauser, mit viel Liebe, familiärer Herzlichkeit und Leidenschaft geführt. Whether summer or winter - St. Johann in Salzburg is always a "lively" and diverse town and with attractive holiday offers. Ghost Mountain, cycling, swimming, the world famous Liechtenstein gorge, golf, running and Nordic walking as well as outdoor sports. Buy tickets from Vienna to St. Johann im Pongau in one transaction. St. Johann im Pongau District. During the past 30 days, St. Johann im Pongau had 1 quake of magnitude 2.0. I agree that this site uses cookies for analysis, personalized content, and advertising. St Johann im Pongau Tourism: Tripadvisor has 6,237 reviews of St Johann im Pongau Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best St Johann im Pongau resource. St. Johann im Pongau offers holidays in spring, summer, autumn and winter for the whole family. Welcome. St. Johann - Alpendorf. Die Highlights im Snow Space Salzburg auf einem Blick 06412 / 6101 Fax 06412 / 6101-6219 The settlement was first mentioned as sanctum Johannem in villa in a 1074 deed, named after John the Baptist. Sie dient der kaufmännischen Berufsausbildung für alle Zweige der Wirtschaft und des öffentlichen Dienstes. Name: RIS Kommunal Barrierefreiheit Kontrast: Anbieter: Anbieter dieser Website: Zweck: Ermöglicht die Nutzung der "HighContrast" Funktion, welche höhere Kontraste bei der Website definiert, damit diese für einen Nutzer mit eingeschränkten Sehfähigkeiten nutzbarer wird. St. Johann > Willkommen im Alpenland in Sankt Johann. Ansonsten sind vereinbarte Termine jederzeit möglich. Area of the district is 1,755.37 km², with a population of 77,872 (May 15, 2001), and population density 44 persons per km². 5600 St. Johann/Pg. Wirtschaftskompetenz, beste IT-Kenntnisse, mehrsprachige … Nearby attractions include Pongauer Dom (0.2 miles), Bogen Jagd Alpendorf (0.2 miles), and Friedhof - St. Johann im Pongau (0.2 miles). This page was last edited on 29 October 2019, at 07:47. Pop. If possible, verify the text with references provided in the foreign-language article. St. Johann is not only the administrative, economic and educational centre of the area, it is also a major tourism destination and popular during a short summer season for hiking, but more so during the winter season for skiing. Do not translate text that appears unreliable or low-quality. Relax and Enjoy. The small town of St. Johann im Pongau and the village of Alpendorf offer summer holidays for the whole family - hiking on the Ghost Mountain, cycling, swimming, the world famous Liechtenstein gorge, golf, running and Nordic walking as well as outdoor sports. The city lies in the centre of the Salzburg Pongau region. Phone 0043 6412 6259 Fax 0043 6412 6259 - 4 Send e-mail. Verbringt unvergessliche Tage in der Region Alpendorf Sankt Johann im Pongau und feiert bei uns die ganz besonderen Lebensereignisse vor atemberaubender Kulisse.