benito raman fifa 20

benito raman fifa 20

Midfield Finisher Currently, Benito Raman is playing with number 9. Benito Raman was born on Nov. 7, 1994. Report successfully submitted. He prefers to shoot with his right-footed and weak foot is 4. EA SPORTS™ FIFA 20!/en-hk/tid=CUSA15578_00 Hunter Bundesliga (1). His best stats are: Acceleration: 89, Agility: 89, Balance: 85, Dribbling: 81, Stamina: 79.Are there rumours this player is going somewhere else? Futhead is a Fandom Gaming Community. [FIFA20] Benito Raman (76) / Belgium / FC Schalke 04. Benito Raman (Class: 19-20 PLC Spring, born 7 Nov 1994) is a Belgium professional footballer who plays as a striker for FC Schalke 04 in Germany 1. Basic Currently, Benito Raman is playing with number 9. His has got a 3-star skillmoves rating. Basic
His overall rating in FIFA 20 is 76 with a potential of 79.

His height is 172 cm and weight is 67 kg (body type small).

22 mai 2019 par admin. Benito Raman - FIFA 20 - 76 rating, prices, reviews, comments and more ... FIFA 20. Benito Raman was born on Nov. 7, 1994.

Add the latest transfer rumour here. In the game FIFA 20 his overall rating is 76. Maestro His overall rating in FIFA 20 is 76 with a potential of 79. Hawk View the rest of attributes of Benito Raman updated regularly on FIFA Ratings . Guardian Anchor FIFA 20 FIFA 19 FIFA 18 FIFA 17 FIFA 16 FIFA 15 FIFA 14 FIFA 13 FIFA 12 FIFA 11 FIFA 10. Benito Raman 76 - live prices, in-game stats, comments and reviews for FIFA 20 Ultimate Team FUT.

View all his stats at FIFA Index. Shadow His has got a 3-star skillmoves rating. If the problem persists, please try again in a few minutes. Sniper Treat others with respect. Artist
B. Raman. Add the latest transfer rumour here. ACHETER FIFA 20 A -25% ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Déjà précommandé par plus de 1000 personnes. Sentinel His workrates are Medium / Medium. Choose which default price to show in player listings and Squad Builder Catalyst Bundesliga (1). His has got a 3-star skillmoves rating. His overall rating is 79.

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