bayer calypso 480 sc

bayer calypso 480 sc

It has better activity against certain Lepidopteran pests.

Calypso 480 SC Insecticide is a locally systemic and translaminar insecticide which provides control of insect pests in pome fruit. Please add some products to see your order summary here. AKTIVNA MATERIJA: tiakloprid 480 g/l. Your cart is currently empty. Durch die Auswahl Ihrer Region haben Sie Zugriff auf den richtigen Katalog. It has better activity against certain Lepidopteran pests. Calypso 480 SC Insecticide is a locally systemic and translaminar insecticide which provides control of insect pests in pome fruit. Bayer Global. 2001/22.06.1999 Internet Links » Bayer Global » Health Care » Business Services; Social Media. Wir möchten Ihnen versichern, dass wir alle erforderlichen Maßnahmen ergriffen habenAllgemeine Informationen und wie man sie verhindert oder beseitigt Calypso® 1 Liter … Odmerjeno količino pripravka ob stalnem mešanju vlijemo v rezervoar škropilnice, ki je do polovice potrebne količine napolnjen s čisto vodo. Calypso® SC es un insecticida sistémico que actúa por contacto e ingestión para el control de pulgones, carpocapsa, mosca escarabajo, psila y pulguilla en diversos cultivos. Due to this mode of action, there is … Insecticid sistemic pentru combaterea dăunătorilor la cartof, pomi fructiferi, porumb, arbori. An error has occurred processing your enquiry. Calypso® 480 SC is a suspension concentrate containing 480 g/l thiacloprid Mode of action: Calypso® selectively binds to the postsynaptic nicotinergic receptor, thus disturbing signal transmission in the insect’s nervous system. Dies sind Zeiten des ständigen Wandels, an die wir uns anpassen müssen. Many fruit growers are rediscovering the value of Calypso® – and not just because it’s so cost-effective. (tiakloprid),6.1,III ADR szám 2 ADR 6.1 Hatóanyag tiakloprid Növényvédőszer forgalmazási kategória 2 Zöldség Calypso® is a new tool for resistance management in apple codling moth control and where organo-phosphates, carbamates and pyrethroids have been traditionally used. Calypso 480 SC Insecticide controls insect pests by contact action and by ingestion of the treated plant tissue. OBLIK I OZNAKA FORMULACIJE: koncentrovana suspenzija - SC. Please try again. We will get back to you within the business day. Po kliknutí na název plodiny získáte přehled o systému ošetření plodiny v růstových fázích pomocí přípravků společnosti Bayer. Insecticide crop Bayer Calypso 480 SC, 20 ml Calypso 480 SC Διασυστηματικό εντομοκτόνο επαφής και στομάχου με προληπτική και κατασταλτική δράση για την αντιμετώπιση κυρίως μυζητικών καθώς και μασητικών εντόμων. Calypso 480 SC můžete použít u uvedených plodin. Pakovanje: 5 ml 40 x 5 ml. In contrast to some of the older chemistry used on the same pests, it is relatively soft on beneficial species and can be used in harmony with honey bee pollination programs. Calypso® acts as an acute contact and stomach poison, combining systemic properties with relatively low application rates and superior plant compatibility. Copyright © Bayer AG 24/7 Online Unterstützung SAFETY AND HANDLING Section 2: Precautions, Protective Clothing and Equipment, and Re-entry Restriction. Calypso ® 480 SC Insecticide Many fruit growers are rediscovering the value of Calypso® – and not just because it’s so cost-effective. Calypso 480 SC je postrekový insekticídny prípravok na ochranu ovocných drevín, viniča, zeleniny, zemiakov, repky olejnej a okrasných rastlín proti cicavému a žravému hmyzu A se utiliza numai de utilizatori profesionişti Certificat omologare nr. For delivery estimate, please log into your account and set the address. Thank you for your enquiry! In contrast to some of the older chemistry used on the same pests, it is relatively soft on beneficial species and can be used in harmony with honey bee pollination programs. Calypso (480 g/l Thiacloprid) - Bayer Insektizid  Deutsches Zulassungsende: 30.04.2019 CALYPSO 480 SC von der Firma Bayer ist ein Suspensionskonzentrat gegen Buchsbaumzünsler, Schadinsekten im Zierpflanzenbau als auch im Obst-Anbau. Calypso 480-SC je sistemični insekticid sa kontaktnim i digestivnim delovanjem namenjen za suzbijanje lisnih vaši, krompirove zlatice i jabukinog smotavca.

Priprava sredstva za uporabo Pred odmero pripravka vsebino v plastenki dobro pretresemo. Due to this mode of action, … Facebook; Twitter; Mobile Apps. Calypso® is a new tool for resistance management in apple codling moth control and where organo-phosphates, carbamates and pyrethroids have been traditionally used. Substanţă activă: tiacloprid 480 g/L Formulare: SC (suspensie concentrată) Cuvânt de avertizare: Pericol!

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