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Available once more on limited edition formats.

Tony Conrad talks sex, drugs and celluloid fry-ups in a power plant in Berlin His semi-punk period of Sabotage and the Animal Justice EP is also essential with ragers like Mercenaries and the proto-Birthday Party raver Chicken Shit.

In a year where we've lost too many legends it's worth remembering those we still have and hopefully will have for years to come.

Fear(the title track is his absolute masterpiece in my opinion, and the rest of the album travels from gorgeous to insane and back again), Music For a New Society(beautiful and devastating, some brilliant lyrics and improvisation along with fragile and gorgeous arrangements), and Fragments of a Rainy Season(a brilliant compilation tracklist in itself that just happens to be brilliant solo performances of some of his best songs/covers) are my absolute essentials. Highly underrated artist! Pick your favourite song from John’s eclectic back catalogue and complete the form below.

The ex-Velvets pioneer takes an intimate tour through decades of relentless experimentation, from cranky electronica to leftfield opera

Double CD & Double Vinyl Download & Stream Continue to Site John Cale's a musician's musician and honestly a perfect subject for the devoted music fan. The first major Andy Warhol exhibition in the north of England recreates the world of the Factory and the Exploding Plastic Inevitable – and Warhol is revealed in all his compassion and searing insight Also recorded other classics for the ISLAND label. Book tickets. He inspired the Velvet Underground, thought Andy Warhol was a copycat, and met his wife while playing the mummy in erotic underground movie Normal Love.

He has his misses as well but they are absolutely outweighed by a career filled with fantastic composition, songwriting, and forward momentum. FEAR is one of the greatest albums ever recorded.

The relentlessly innovative Velvet Underground star launched Cardiff’s Festival of Voice with the help of a choir, chamber orchestra and Charlotte Church

here we come Brasil

No comments yet? Kasabian have realised 'we're being watched by Google' but the search giant has played other roles in popular music.

John Cale and Liam Young review – Cale’s drones outshine Young’s flying bots in sinister vision of the future 4 out of 5 stars.

The Velvet Underground & Nico comes home this week, as John Cale and guests prepare to play it in its entirety in New York

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