Happy 4th dont drink as much as Monkey does , be safe all elongating them, changing colors so that its easier to pin point their origin.
And their response, which is totally canned response? Aye Chief however, improvement of the game and expenditure of our funds to pay for a free game should account for something. - added advanced crosshair by m0nstertr4x (v031.2)
it wasn’t till opened a ticket in a different section for customer support that I got a human response. FYI, A Bridge Too Far is currently free to watch on YouTube. I could connect then it finally dropped me and now will not atllow me to connect. 1. t8-T10 ships. Thanks Aslain. Otherwise it would mean that all mods posted on WG forums are "illegal" except for their modpack. Don't get too excited, but the old(er) fud is back. You need to play a total of 5 battles to post in this section. Again Aslains, this is not me making accusations about your mod pack, but it is now me asking WG specific questions about the use of it, and what was the alert raised. Without even answering any of my questions. It’s bit the mod pack but WG horrible customer support and false positive anti cheat system.
I would echo his advice to ensure you have no leftover files from previous installations of shaders like SweetFX and Reshade. Right, opened support ticket number four, specifically requesting to appeal against the recent warning and ingame pop up accusing me of cheating. If WG support are even unwilling to acknowlege the appeals process request themselves? I didn't like that some of the questions they selected deviated from the subject, CV battles of 1942. Download ★ World of Tanks ★ Modpack (28,292,464 visits to this link) v. #04 (20-08-2020) Download ★ World of Warships ★ Modpack (9,830,354 visits to this link) I felt guilty, the AA is so bad in tier IV, lol. Lets see if I (a) get a canned response and (b) the appeals request is ignored and (c) ticket is closed. - updated Japan Navy Flags (now visible on ship carousel too) Get an advantage over the enemy in battle. I was just saying. I say again I updated the homepage to reflect the temporary server name, so all you have to do to access the server is click on the JOIN SERVER link at the bottom of our TS3 Server channel display on the upper right side of the homepage.
- updated German translation of the modpack (thanks to SchrottiGER) It often takes some back-and-forth by reopening tickets before resolution is achieved.
WG as WoT's is fun and engaging fun however, Gen chat is miserable and all the contributors that at least attempt to help are over whelmed but the politics and rants of most others. Mentioned briefly in todays meeting regarding Ian Fleming. - icons are still tiny and mirrored on playerspanelwhere can i see previews of the various mods in the installer?In the installer, click on preview button then click on mod About 3k doubloons later, I got the Wesser and Rhein Didn't know you were already play testing every mod.
Highlights: – biggest amount of mods (over 700) – preview of selected mods – WG Fair Play Friendly – frequent updates – blazing fast support provided at own forums on ASLAIN.COM. - fixed uninstalling of modpack (thanks to TheHavock for helping) Aslain Modpack 1.3.0. After opening the third ticket, of which the contents are attached, I got another canned response and the ticket closed, it appears that WG is not willing to even initate the appeals process to my warning.
- marked Hootorez's contour icons as old due the fact he stopped supporting his mods Lets see if WG supports its player base, even if a single player has questions. I'll be back on the 11th. I hope they pick my question to answer live. That is exactly it Ran_ko. Frissítve 2018.03.21. A World of Tanks a Wargaming.net védjegye. - added fix to PlayersPanel icon size and mirroring by TheHavock Clan Scrimmage tonight 21st you dont need a T10 to participate all welcome. Dasha commanders in the armor for doubloons. Anyone have any ideas on how to appeal a strike warning? And of course, [CAFE] Me and a few others have had this problem. I would expect much more people banned if it was a modpack getting them banned. [SIF] Not sure if anyone knows or I'm last to find out (lol) but if you edit your TS to connect to ts3server://tf-16.te amspeak.pub, it connects stright to our channel. Sind alle Kriterien erfüllt, kann der Mod heruntergeladen werden. Again Aslains, this is not me making accusations about your mod pack, but it is now me asking WG specific questions about the use of it, and what was the alert raised. Additionally, the representative stated that he believes that one mod that could possibly troublesome, is the changing of shell tracers (i.e. The trivia contest, posted 18DEC19, is now closed. We thank you for your cooperation and understanding in regards to this matter.” WoWs to me the less acerbic game and seems to fit well within the adult gamer option(s) WG has provided. Thanks, I'll give that section a shot, when they close my appeal request ticket, with a canned response on the Appeals section. So please stop with this false accusations. Ive done it a few times im going for 1 in the sprint .. comon guys team up. The issue is the fact that is random on the So far, only minor causalities.