Sudden ambushes, cunning flanking attacks, open confrontation and "head-on" assaults — captains must strive to find an ideal way to deliver a decisive blow at the enemy.
With guns.
...compared to what most other ships are getting.
Relative to the reload mod, the most common one for the Republique, it's +6% reload for 24% range, as turret traverse nerf is the same -13%. A measly 6% reload boost in exchange for 24% range, which is largely insignificant to be fair since Republique has a base range of 26km but still.It's definitely worth the slot, but it's an awfully boring and uninspired module.
If any ship is sailing away from you at or near the max range, for example near death cruisers, you have no opportunity to lead and finish that target....The upgrade was originally only supposed to take 19% range from the user, which would make the max range right at 22k, which would make it excellent.
Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. So they will have a field day with this upgrade.Where are you getting 16 seconds??? What have we done to deserve this, Wargaming?Press J to jump to the feed.
By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. For some reason it was decided to make it a 24% buff. A version of the battleship design of the post-war period.
The République class consisted of a pair of pre-dreadnought battleships—République, the lead ship, and Patrie—built for the French Navy in the early 1900s.
Hell, even Großer Kurfürst has a more interesting Legendary module since it boosts her Secondaries.Out of all the BB Legendary modules I think Republique got the most uninteresting one, functional but not very exciting.EDIT: Here's a list of all the Legendary modules for reference:Yes, many of the upgrades don't have quite the right balancing yet, and Republique's is definitely one of them.Some people say that you shouldn't fight at those long ranges anyway, but especially French BBs are huge opportunist who will punish broadsides be it at 10 or 22 km, and the module just costs I have the upgrade, and it's terrible. If the mod was +6% reload for -24% range and -13% turret traverse, it'd be an absolutely worthless pos module, as it would be worse in almost everything compared to the reload mod.
Never submarines, they said.
There is no argument that the current presentation of this upgrade is a fail....Consider the GK mod, it range will be buffed to 19 from 20 and change, with a 15% main battery and 10 percent secondaries, and the go has a spotter plane for ranged shots and turtle back armor. In order to achieve victory in battle, players must employ a wide range of strategies in a variety of tactical decisions. With an actual range of 19.8 and with the effective range for all mobile targets being probably 19k.... you expose this ship to all of it weaknesses, only to gain 1.5 second reload. If the mod was +6% reload for -24% range and -13% turret traverse, it'd be an absolutely worthless pos module, as it would be worse in almost everything compared to the reload mod.The Yamato's mod is +6% as well, but compared to the reload mod it's -6% reload speed for +7% accuracy and -6% turret traverse.Sorry but of all the upgrades you could have mentioned, this is probably the one you shouldnt have.You still have little over 19km range which is a good engagement range for this ship, given than it will be always on the move. Gunboats. Her main distinguishing features were very powerful AA guns and 431 mm main battery guns, which were developed in … Captain builds can be tested & sent to other warship players Epic battles rage across the oceans of the world in order to claim victory among teams comprised of the greatest representatives from the era of multi-ton marine giants. Captain Skill Calculator for World of Warships.
World of Warships World of Warships is a naval action MMO, dipping into the world of large-scale sea battles of the first half of the twentieth century. 19 sec reload, paired with the unique captain and some health loss, and your going to go around firing every 16 secs or less with a 430mm shell.
I'd much rather get something cool and interesting like what Montana and Conqueror got. I specifically said that it is NOT a bad module, only that's it's terribly dull and uninteresting.
It's basically a SLIGHTLY better Main Battery Mod 3, nothing "Legendary" about it.I really wish it had given the repub a bump to like 34kn top speed and maybe give secondaries 1/4 HE pen with the same range penalty.
Tactical diversity in World of Warships comes from the inclusion of many different classes of warships, including: So far i have encountered some pretty good Republique players, and they hardly fight above 20km range. I am 56% in my repub and average 121k and 3/1 KD.The range is 19.8.... but the effective range of the ship is much smaller. The buff is around 1.5 seconds from 21 seconds to 19 and change.Did you even read my post? It would make secondary builds actually viable on the Republique and your trade off would be the captain skills to support better he.Hey guys do you think speed boost is worth the spotter plane sacrifice?With only 19.8km range on a T10 BB you would need an even more insane reload boost to make this upgrade worthwhile (at least with the current map sizes)I wouldn't mind a speed or maneuverability boosting module to be honest since that seems to be the theme for French BBs.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castA game about huge boats. Compare this to the repub upgrade is laughable.Conqueror legendary module should give +20% base fire chanceRelative to the reload mod, the most common one for the Republique, it's +6% reload for 24% range, as turret traverse nerf is the same -13%. Jump to: To log in, select the region where your account is registered
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