war thunder guide

war thunder guide

Back to Main Page Aircraft Gameplay Tactics Basic air combat tactics, Torpedo Bombing, Basic Fighter Maneuvers, Air Combat Maneuvering (ACM), Ramming (Tactic)

As the game currently is with the British tank line being implemented in chunks, will the RP accumulate with an unspecified vehicle and then I’ll be able to use said points when the tanks are released? I have no Chinese tanks to speak of, so I'm not adding a section on them since I can't really speak for them except to say that they're generally lend-lease tanks that are essentially clones with no real distinguishing features that I can tell.You need to sign in or create an account to do that.

If you click the yellow lightbulb at the top of the screen you should get the “Accelerated Research” window for the plane or tank you’re currently researching, and you can adjust the slider to spend Eagles to convert RP. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact The guide will exclusively focus on Tank Realistic Battles. For a new USSR player looking for a fighter there’s either the I-16 Type 18, the LaGG-3-8 or, if you click on the I-15, then the next option in that stack is the I-15bis. This item is incompatible with War Thunder. Mistakingly, I put a german panther (5.7) into research. This guide will be continously updated to cover ALL Aircraft in War Thunder. After each battle you are awarded with Research Points (RP), and what do Research Points make? )I’m afraid you probably won’t be able to stick to heavy bombers only; you need to research 4-6 aircraft at each Rank (the roman numeral on the left of the research screen) before you unlock the next one so you’ll have to branch out a little bit.What I want to know is how to use the ‘accelerated research” button. Ravioli Ravioli whats in the Cannonoli, their fighters are practically undertiered german Bf-109 - Spitfire hybrids with more guns.

Installing Custom Skins FOR DUMMIES – War Thunder GamesCrack.org – this is a Game Portal where you can find a variety of games to Crack, Cheat, Hack, Keygen or just Download the Game. You can research one aircraft per country at any time; the trickiest bit can be deciding what to choose next. ), and in general you should meet opponents with Battle Ratings up to 1.0 higher or lower than your highest BR.To research an aircraft, simply click the “Research” button just underneath it.

usa airplanes are so fast than bf109 ,even the first, outmaneuber and outperform it on speed they keep accumulating as I play along (I now have close to 400K of them!) © Valve Corporation. Please see the This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator.This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. You only have to research one of a stack of planes to move down the line, so to get to the La-5 you have to research the LaGG-3-8, then the LaGG-3-11, then the LaGG-3-35, but you can skip the LaGG-3-66 (or you can research it as well, if three LaGG-3 variants just aren’t enough).Hovering over a plane in the tree pops up a little stat card showing its salient details:The BB-1 light bomber; BB stands for ‘Blues Bomber’ (No it doesn’t – Ed)The precise figures may not be completely accurate, and will vary depending on upgrades, but it should give a rough idea of the performance and armament. More War Thunder Guides:Heavy Tanks Guide.How to Kill Heavies.Taking Advantage of Ash River.How to Melee Fight with Tanks.How to Grind with the AMX-13 (SS.11).How to Play French Tier 1 Ground Vehicles.Overview of the Russian Air Fighter Tech Tree.A guide … Keep in mind this is a very very big guide.

but I can’t use them anywhere to boost my research…Ah, yes; you can use Gold Eagles to convert that into ‘proper’ RP, to actually research new planes with.

Best turnfighters ingame but are extremely slow with low velocity guns, best way to evade something like an a6m is to fly in a straight line Premium aircraft are bought with Gold Eagles (the real money currency), and don’t need to be researched; Gift aircraft are generally available in bundles, or sometimes in promotions or giveaways.To progress through the ranks you need to unlock a certain number of aircraft, shown under the Roman numeral on the left; in the screenshot I’ve got three Rank I aircraft and need six in total before I can research a Rank II aircraft, then I’ll need to research four of Rank II before I can start on Rank III.To unlock a specific plane you’ll need to have researched the previous plane in its line (connected via an arrow).

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war thunder guide 2020