It was a faithful duplicate of the M10 rear except for two holes to permit the twin exhaust elbows of the Panther to protrude.
Compared to the premium Progetto 46, it has 20% slower in-clip reload, a bit worse gun depression & terrain resistance as a trade off for marginally thicker armor and higher engine power. The final gear mountings deformed easily under the high torque and stress loads, pushing the gears out of alignment and resulting in failure. As a part of the Wacht am Rhein plan was Operation Greif under the command of Otto Skorzeny. While it has a low damage totals, and a fairly slow rate of fire for a 75mm gun, it can penetrate virtually all lower tier tanks from any range, as well as higher tier opponents with well aimed shots. Initial Ausf. Spare parts as a percentage of tank production dropped from 25–30 percent in 1943, to 8 percent in the fall of 1944.
These differences are taken into account in tooltip boxes.Unable to match configuration for query: engine:g78_panther_m10::top|powerUnable to match configuration for query: chassis:g78_panther_m10::top|traversespeedUnable to match configuration for query: turret:g78_panther_m10::top|armorturretfront/Unable to match configuration for query: turret:g78_panther_m10::top|armorturretside/Unable to match configuration for query: turret:g78_panther_m10::top|armorturretbackUnable to match configuration for query: gun:g78_panther_m10::top|damage1/Unable to match configuration for query: gun:g78_panther_m10::top|damage2/Unable to match configuration for query: gun:g78_panther_m10::top|damage3Unable to match configuration for query: gun:g78_panther_m10::top|penetration1/Unable to match configuration for query: gun:g78_panther_m10::top|penetration2/Unable to match configuration for query: gun:g78_panther_m10::top|penetration3Unable to match configuration for query: turret:g78_panther_m10::stock|turrettraverseUnable to match configuration for query: turret:g78_panther_m10::top|turrettraverse-Unable to match configuration for query: gun:g78_panther_m10::top|depressionUnable to match configuration for query: gun:g78_panther_m10::stock|maxammoUnable to match configuration for query: gun:g78_panther_m10::top|maxammo
The process of streamlining the production of German AFVs first began after Speer became Reichminister in early 1942, and steadily accelerated through 1944; production of the Panther tank thus coincided with this period of increased manufacturing efficiency.
Staff Sergeant and Tank Platoon Sergeant Charles A Carden completes the comparison in his report:
Outside of a crew of 1 commander only, 100% crew is a fiction.
It had a gasoline engine and eight torsion-bar suspension axles per side.
It existed only in blueprints.The first Italian style semi-auto reloader with a flexible playstyle, due to its ability to fire and reload single-shot style or to empty the clip but suffer from low DPM while the clip is dry.
The extra wheels did provide better flotation and stability, and also provided more armor protection for the thin hull sides than smaller wheels or non-interleaved wheel systems, but the complexity meant that no other country ever adopted this design for their tanks.
The Panther was the third most produced German armored fighting vehicle.
While multiple native designs were being planned, a simpler solution was also on the table--licensing designs from their technologically advanced German allies. The Ausf A model introduced a new cast armor commander's cupola, replacing the more difficult to manufacture forged cupola.
252U and TS-5, with their sturdy armor and hard hitting weaponry. SUBSCRIBE for more …
Its armor, while fairly thin, is surprisingly strong against tier V and some tier VI guns, so, if necessary, angle the tank just slightly off to one side, and bounce many hits. The main gun was a 7.5 cm Rheinmetall-Borsig KwK 42 (L/70) with semi-automatic shell ejection and a supply of 79 rounds (82 on Ausf.
The loss of molybdenum, and its replacement with other substitutes to maintain hardness, as well as a general loss of quality control resulted in an increased brittleness in German armor plate, which developed a tendency to fracture when struck with a shell. The tank should however never rely on its armor to linger around the front, thus mobility, timing and awareness have to be utilised to survive. Play now for free
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