Sister definition

Sister definition

2. 2. Various studies have shown that an older sister is likely to give a varied gender role to their younger siblings as well as being more likely to develop a close bond with their younger siblings.Lillian Gish And Dorothy Gish: Silent Film Actresses Delivered to your inbox!Dental records and a forensic investigation later revealed the body was Vandoren Daily, who police say was Gaines’ However, the next day, the local chapter of Crimestoppers received a tip saying the shooter was Webb’s Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition Sister. Stepsister definition is - a daughter of one's stepparent by a former partner. A woman who has the same father and mother with another, or has one of them only. See more. 3. a female person who belongs to the same group, trade union, etc, as another or others. (1988): 441–454.Volling, B. L.; McElwain, N.L. Cognate with Scots sister, syster (“sister”), West Frisian sus, suster (“sister”), Dutch zuster (“sister”), German Schwester (“sis… Boy: Let's have sex! How to use sister in a sentence. before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free!Learn a new word every day.
of them only. A sister ship is a ship of the same class or of virtually identical design to another ship.

A woman who has the same father and mother with another, or has one Mufwene, Salikoko S. "The pragmatics of kinship terms in Kituba." © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins ( ˈsɪstə) n. 1. a female person having the same parents as another person. Such vessels share a nearly identical hull and superstructure layout, similar size, and roughly comparable features and equipment. A person created by your parents for the sole purpose of giving you a convienient girlfriend. "Other Selves: subjectivity and the doppelganger in Australian adolescent fiction. From Middle English sister, suster, from Old English swustor, sweoster, sweostor (“sister, nun”); from Proto-Germanic *swestēr (“sister”), from Proto-Indo-European *swésōr (“sister”). From Middle English half-süster, equivalent to half-+‎ sister. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 16.3 (1970): 452. ter (sis'tĕr), In Great Britain and its Commonwealth countries: 1. Child Development 73 (2): 581–600.Handbook of Cultural Psychiatry — Page 67, Wen-Shing Tseng – 2001McCallum, Robyn. half-sister; Etymology . ter (stĕp′sĭs′tər) n. A daughter of one's stepparent by a previous union. A full sister is a first degree relative A female member of a religious order; especially one devoted to more active service; (informal) a nun. Sister definition is - a female who has one or both parents in common with another. ‘Sister Elizabeth, the headmistress of the Convent High School’ ‘The move would also have the result, so far scarcely noted, of undermining the teaching orders of priests and religious sisters.’ Writing the Australian child: Texts and contexts in fictions for children (1996): 17–36.Play from Birth to Twelve: Contexts, Perspectives, and Meanings, Doris Bergen 2015The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science, Volume 4, Charles B. Nemeroff, 2002 p 1524Gender Development — Page 300, Lynn S. Liben – 2009Advances in Child Development and Behavior, Volume 26, p 161, 1996He & she: how children develop their sex role identity, Wendy Schempp Matthews – 1979 p 162Handbook of Adolescent Psychology, Contextual Influences on Adolescent Development, Laurence Steinberg, PhD – 2009 p 61Leventhal, Gerald S. "Influence of brothers and sisters on sex-role behavior."
"Emotion Regulation in Context: The Jealousy Complex between Young Siblings and its Relations with Child and Family Characteristics". Noun .

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Sister definition 2020