Wie bereits erwähnt ist der IS-7 aus gutem Grund einer der beliebtesten schweren Panzer der Stufe X. Er ist ein runder Panzer, der an der Wanne und am Turm starke und gewinkelte Panzerung besitzt, hohen Alpha-Schaden austeilt und sehr schnell für einen schweren Panzer fährt.
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G2G Seller Verification. World of Tanks (WOT) accounts from reputable WOT sellers via G2G.com secure marketplace.
This in turn makes your lower plate incredibly easy to penetrate as it is just as thin as the upper plate but with far worse sloping. Premium Shop. G2G Seller Insurance.DON’T return the in-game items under any circumstances after you have received it. Seller's guaranteed time of delivery 1 Firstly, the extreme weight would tax the limited Soviet road and rail network and the tank would be very difficult to employ tactically since there were few bridges that would withstand its weight.
The rear armor is quite thin, however, and will rarely deflect even lower tier guns.
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1 hours Server The crews were unhappy with the internal layout, which was extremely cramped even by Soviet standards. G2G Seller Insurance.DON’T return the in-game items under any circumstances after you have received it.
Jump to: In the immediate post-war years, while development of the IS-6 was attempted, reputed Head Engineer Nikolai Shashmurin's team had begun work on a completely new tank design, the IS-7, which bore no immediate connection to any previous Soviet heavy tank. Years of Service
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The client values, given for 100% crew, will normally be taken into battle with 110% crew skill members aside from specific functions, causing their actual performance to deviate from the expected client value.
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1 hours G2G Seller Verification.
G2G Seller Insurance.DON’T return the in-game items under any circumstances after you have received it. 1 hours 1
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Login G2G Seller Insurance.DON’T return the in-game items under any circumstances after you have received it. 1 hours Der IS-7 ist ein sowjetischer schwerer Panzer der Stufe 10. Prototypen wurden 1946-1947 erprobt, der IS-7 bestand den Truppenversuch, dennoch gab es keine Massenproduktion. 1
ACCOUNTS seller with indicated G2G Seller Insurance.DON’T return the in-game items under any circumstances after you have received it.
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