wot battle hits

wot battle hits

World of Tanks is a game that has aroused the interest of a huge audience and is developing to a large extent due to the large number of enthusiasts that were found among its fans. Hits are broken down into four types: (The player may hold CTRL and hover the mouse cursor over the accumulated hit ribbons to see the current total after the immediate feedback ribbons (right side) disappear.)

Naidin's Medal. Can be obtained in Random Battles only.Awarded to players who destroy three or more enemy self-propelled artillery in one battle, with a tank or tank destroyer. Something went wrong.

The achievement is granted to a member of the winning team only.Help your team damage at least six enemy vehicles by spotting them. Battlehits – mod showing received and inflicted hits in battle for WOT

Only the longest series is included.Capture the enemy base and remain undetected during the entire battle. The …

Medals and titles are attached to the player's own statistics as well as individually for tanks and crew members. Available in Team Battles only.Awarded to a player who was the top player by damage dealt in 100 battles. On September 12-13, 1944, a combat team under de Langlade's command wiped out Panzerbrigade 112 in the battle of Dompaire, France.

Total results on all tanks are included.Survive 20 or more battles in a row on the same vehicle. Available only in Team Battle mode.Awarded to a player who won at least 3 battles in a row as part of the same team. Awarded to all members of the victorious team. Share on social networks Destroy at least one vehicle of each type from each nation's tech tree. The vehicle lost must not be higher than tier VII. Unavailable in Clan Wars.Awarded to players who destroy at least three enemy vehicles and survive the battle despite receiving five different critical hits and losing 80% of their hit points.

If two or more players have equal number of enemy vehicles damaged upon their spotting, the achievement is granted to the player who has earned more XP in the battle.Awarded to players who dealt the biggest amount of damage during the battle. The achievement is granted even if the vehicle was accidentally hit or damaged.Destroy 10 or more Pz.Kpfw VIII Maus tanks. Available only in Team Battle mode.Destroy all enemy vehicles while losing only one vehicle of the lowest tier on your team, and win the battle. All platoon members receive the award.Awarded to a platoon in which all platoon members destroyed at least three enemy vehicles and survived in battle. The medal is not awarded in Clan Wars.Awarded to players in vehicles of the 5th or higher tier for destroying 10-13 enemy vehicles in one battle. Available only in Team Battle mode. Achievements are awarded to players for exceptional performance in battle. Only the longest series is included. Can be obtained in Random Battles only.Awarded to players in medium tanks who destroy three enemy tanks or tank destroyers. The awards are accumulative. In the statistics page you can click on one of your tanks to show its own statistics as well as the achievements attached to it.

On Track For August 2017: FV215b & Jagdpanzer E 100On Track For Dec. 29-Jan. 12: Maus and Pz.Kpfw. Can be obtained in Random Battles only.Awarded for destroying the last enemy vehicle in the battle with the last shell in the ammo. In order to receive this achievement, it's required to play as a tank or Tank Destroyer. World of Tanks official forum ... MOD to show me the last 3 hits. The awards are accumulative.

De Langlade fought with the 2nd Tank Division under General Leclerc. Available in Ranked Team Battles only.Win the battle by capturing the enemy base with a group of at least two allied vehicles or with at least 1 vehicle of each team capturing both bases at the same time. Does anyone know where it is hiding? Battle hits is a very useful tool for after battle analysis of shots received and given, However, it is in Russian, which I can't read.

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wot battle hits 2020