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This is because it relies on Hofmann elimination and ester hyrolysis to be metabolized. L'élimination de Hofmann, aussi connue sous le nom de méthylation exhaustive, est une réaction où une amine réagit pour former une amine tertiaire et un alcène, par excès d'iodométhane, suivie par une réaction avec de l'oxyde d'argent, de l'eau, et apport de chaleur [1].. Après la première étape, un sel d'iodure d'ammonium quaternaire est créé. Summary Statistics of Demographic Data for Healthy Control Patients by Study and OverallListing of Drugs Used for Anesthesia and to Facilitate Intubation in Control Patients from Each Cisatracurium Clinical Pharmacokinetic StudySchematic of the two-compartment open model fit to arterial or venous plasma cisatracurium concentration-time data. The lower limit of quantification was 10 ng/mL for cisatracurium and metabolites.
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Clin Pharmacol Ther 1991;49:515-22. 301-223-2300
Anesthesiology 1995;82:1139-45.3. As expected, the traditional compartmental model with elimination only from the central compartment resulted in a 17% underestimation of Vss when compared with the appropriate model with elimination occurring from both the central and peripheral compartments.Because of the organ-independent nature of the chemical degradation of cisatracurium (i.e., Hofmann elimination is relatively constant), the CL of cisatracurium is related to the Vss. 0000002080 00000 n
Immediately after the injection of the cisatracurium, the IV line was flushed by allowing the IV fluid to run freely for approximately 15 s.A second catheter was placed in a peripheral vein (Study A) or artery (Studies B and C) for blood sample collection. Cockroft DW, Gault MH. < Renal clearance was calculated from cisatracurium urinary excretion data from 12 of the 31 patients. Your Name: (optional)
Vancouver: Applied Therapeutics Inc., 1989:80.16. Fisher DM, Canfell PC, Fahey MR, et al. Riegelman S, Loo JCK, Rowland M. Shortcomings in pharmacokinetic analysis by conceiving the body to exhibit properties of a single compartment. Belmont MR, Lien CA, Quessy S, et al. Clearance values (mean +/- SD) were 5.20 +/- 0.86, 4.00 +/- 1.04, 1.20 +/- 0.71, and 0.85 +/- 0.32 mL [centered dot] minCisatracurium besylate (Nimbex[TM]; 51W89 besylate) is one of ten stereoisomers in atracurium besylate (Tracrium[R]) The purpose of the present analysis was to examine the pharmacokinetics of cisatracurium using a nontraditional, two-compartmental pharmaco-kinetic model (i.e., elimination from both compartments) as discussed by Hull The study included 31 healthy adult patients (ASA physical status I or II) who were undergoing surgery in which blood loss was expected to be minimal. Spontaneous in vivo degradation accounts for 77% of total body clearance of cisatracurium [6]. Your Email:
Lien CA, Belmont MR, Abalos A, et al.
Eur J Med Chem 1984;19:441-50.2. L'acrylate monoquaternaire est hydrolysé par des estérases plasmatiques non spécifiques pour former un métabolite, l'alcool monoquaternaire.
your express consent. In: Peck C, Conner DP, Murphy MG, eds. In: Benet LZ, Levy G, Ferraiolo BL, eds.
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Please try after some time.Your message has been successfully sent to your colleague.Some error has occurred while processing your request. Ward S, Neill EAM. Therefore, the application of this nontraditional pharmacokinetic model contributed to our understanding of the elimination characteristics of an investigational neuromuscular blocking drug, cisatracurium.In the present analysis, the percentage of CL due to organ-independent Hofmann elimination (77%) is greater than that reported for atracurium (39%; Hofmann elimination and ester hydrolysis combined) The data from three cisatracurium pharmacokinetic studies were analyzed using the compartmental pharmacokinetic approach. This agent is especially good for patients that have compromised renal/hepatic failure. 0000027255 00000 n